Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Personal Strategy Card Essay

B. Carefully describe the degree to which you use each of your Learning Patterns. (Refer to the Personal Learning Profile you developed for your Week Two assignment and any feedback provided by your instructor to determine if you need to refine your responses as you complete this section.) Sequence: When I use sequential pattern on a use first basis I feel most comfortable, knowing that if I follow everything step-by-step makes completing assignments from beginning to end without interruption go smoother. Using sequential pattern in my household makes things easier, because you find myself seeking order and consistency, even when I’m not trying to. Now, that I’ve learned about sequence learning I notice it at work more often, with my desk. Everything has to be tidy and organised, if not I feel frustrated until I get it how I want it. I found out that I tend to do well when I know I am depended on to complete the task at hand. Precision: I don’t really agree with using precise pattern on a use first basis. One thing I do enjoy doing is answering questions, but I find myself being a little to specific. Some people call me noisy, but I just like to  know exactly what’s going on. In that case everyone uses precise pattern on a use first basis. Technical Reasoning: Using technical pattern on a use first basis is what I do often. I’m always trying to solve problems without writing out answers. In my opinion people learn best from their past experience. I have no sisters or brothers so I’ve always had a stand-alone, independent attitude. Confluence: My score indicated that I use the confluence learning pattern, as needed which is understandable. I guess it’s a good thing to have confluence to be used on a as needed basis, because these patterns tend to lay dormant until I need to wake them up and let them know that they need to be used. Sometimes I believe my ideas are just a little bit better then the next person, but I blame that on being the only child. There’s nothing wrong with taking a risk, but I think you have to decide the right time to take a risk. C. Identify all verbs and specific terms from the assignment instructions and describe how each Learning Pattern will be used to effectively complete the Week 5 assignment. (Critically review the Final Reflection assignment in Week Five and decode it.) Sequence: The assignment is asking you to group, review, develop, classify and show examples for each one verbs that belongs in the sequence learning pattern. Precision: It’s asking for you to explain and identify your learning patterns and describe what type of learner you are. Technical Reasoning: Technical Reasoning is not needed, because there isn’t anything specific that needs to be written briefly. Now it does say write five paragraphs 2 to 3 sentences long, but in my eyes thats not brief. In this pattern you aren’t using your hands to build anything. Confluence: This assignment is asking you to creatively think and originate the assignment as a whole. D. Explain how you will Forge, Intensify, or Tether (FIT) your Learning Patterns to implement personal strategies so you can complete the Week Five assignment efficiently and effectively. (If you do not need to FIT a Pattern, include a description of the strategies you naturally use which help you to be successful on these types of tasks.) Sequence: I’ll tether my sequence pattern, because I like things to be perfect so I don’t have to worry about my assignments being turned in late. If I continue to tether my sequence to perfection, this will give me more time to turn in my assignments no matter what class i’m taking. Precision: Intensifying this pattern involves me using the information that i’ve lerned and gathered during this course for the past five week. At the same time document how this course has affected my way of learning and writing. Technical Reasoning: I don’t believe that there are stategies for technical reasoning, because this assignment requires you to reflect and use detailed writing about what was learned during this course. Confluence: By escalating my brainstorming and coming up with better ideas that can be used to improve my writing assignments. It should be tethered because if I use too many ideas in my writing I could confuse my reader.

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