Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Current Events Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Current Events - Research Paper Example Many of the private equity fund managers and other stakeholders in the equity industry feared that the tax code could be changed if Barrack Obama was elected as the president. Nevertheless, private equity funds investors and limited partners have fought back to stop these tax code changes (Fifield & McCrum, 2012). Many general partners in the equity industry receive incomes from carried interest deals. This is typically valued about 20% of the fund’s yearly profit. The carried interests are usually charged at a rate of 15% on all capital gains. The Obama administration proposed different changes that could see carried interests being charged equally as incomes, normally 35 percent. Due to these possibilities in changing taxation, many general partners introduced general clauses in the partnership agreements that would enable them to change the terms in case the tax regime was altered (Fifield & McCrum, 2012). On the other hand, general partners stated that their investors showed minimum interest in their tax rates and had declined requests for controlling the industry in the event that tax breaks emerged. Evidently, these tax breaks benefited buyout groups only. According to Steve Judge, premier of the Private Equity Growth Capital Council, â€Å"the political rhetoric surrounding the presidential election certainly brought attention to many aspects of the tax code including carried interest† (Nyhan, 2011). If treatments of capital gain could be accessible to individuals who have money to invest, a policy putting higher values on financial contributions than hard work and vision would be advanced (Fifield & McCrum, 2012). Due to the ruling made by the European court in France on dividend taxation policies, exchange trade fund providers and securities, lending agents are facing a lot of problems in their revenues. The court stated that France dividend taxation policies favoring domestic funds, was

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