Monday, September 9, 2019

Database Inventory Computer Sciences Research Paper

Database Inventory Computer Sciences - Research Paper Example The types of interactions can be categorized into four main groups. These are; data maintenance, data definition, data retrieval, as well as data control. So many factors are at play when choosing which type of database system to use when developing a system. The article we look at highlights some of these factors; which will form the basis for the discussion on database systems of this paper. EXPLANATION OF PAPER Database Buyer's Guide Conclusion: Which Database Is Best for You? (2011, October 27). Retrieved March 4, 2012, from Database Journal: This article is a form of guide to be used by customers looking to find the best database to use or to implement a system on; it highlights the pros as well as the cons of the different types of relational database management systems. From the pros and the cons, the customers are able o gauge which relational database management system best suits their needs as well as preferences as far as database management system is concerned. It lists a complete range of database management systems; from web enabled database management systems, desktop DBMSs, cloud DBaaS, and other open source database management options. There are server options as well. ... It then went on to provide a summary of the pros and cons; the advantages and the disadvantages of having or opting for the certain types of the given types of database systems in the market today. The beginning of the article highlights desktop databases and the people who use them. As indicated in the article, this type of databases are mainly popular with small enterprise businesses. This is because they are cheaper than the other types of database systems and are also suitable for the non-interactive, and also the single user batch processes for web applications. The main players in this niche of the databases market are Lotus Approach, FileMaker Pro, and lastly, Microsoft Access. The advantages of these types of database systems is that they are not expensive; they are estimated to cost somewhere in the hundreds of dollars. This is much unlike the other types of database systems which go for as much as thousands of dollars. Additionally, they have graphical user interfaces for e asy interaction with the users. They are also easy to scale in the future; if the need ever arises. As for the cons, they are said to be lacking in security, they do not also work well when users become many; they are easily overloaded and crash under this kind of pressure. Next, the article looks at the pros and cons of server databases. These are the heavy-duty type of servers. These work well with applications like electronic commerce sites. These are multi-user applications. Microsoft and Oracle databases companies mainly sell these types of database systems. They are Oracle databases, and Microsoft SQL Server. The main advantage for this category of databases is that they store a huge chunk of data; as much as millions of terabytes of data. They

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