Sunday, September 8, 2019

Coca cola Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Coca cola - Essay Example One such brand that can be sold to people in having health benefits are product lines from the well-known Coca Cola Company, which boasts of more than 3,500 and continuously increasing number of products, and gains further brand strength due to its strong involvement with consumers through various media collaborations, well-established corporate social responsibilities, and continued expansion to many markets around the globe (The Coca-Cola Company, 2013). Coca-Cola’s placement in the security level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs comes as the result of combining a strong brand image along with health benefits apart from satisfying customers’ physiological needs such as food and water, which in turn gives it an edge over other food and beverage brands which may only advertise or give an impression of fulfilling basic physiological needs. While Coca-Cola may well be one of the well-established or the most-trusted brand targeting the customer demographic, various re asons for motivational conflicts or cognitive dissonance can arise among its customers. One of the biggest possible conflicts could happen to health-conscious consumers, who are fully-informed of the high-sugar content of most of the flagship carbonated drinks of the brand, as well as the use of artificial or alternative sweeteners originally-aimed at them. In addition, the issue of obesity among the said target demographic and even among consumers outside this group of people can also be affected in purchasing the product due to health reasons (e.g. physician instructions to reduce carbohydrate and sugar intake). These customers may become dissuaded to keep buying the product or reduce their consumption due to health reasons, despite being satisfied with their previous purchases, creating a conflict between their beliefs and what the product represents (Akers, 2013). Thus, while the brand may keep most of its loyal customers, other potential and past customers may not be easily sha ken to keep on buying or consuming the product as they once did before encountering motivational conflicts in its purchase. In order for the brand to keep afloat, it must be able to provide something for customers who become dissuaded as a result of conflicts between the product’s content and their rationalized choices (Akers, 2013). This can either be done through marketing of health-conscious choices in drinks, or alternatively creating a product line showing an image of health and wellness. One thing that marketers can do is to present all of its products to consumers through advertisements using images of health and wellness, although at present such strategies may not be effective in the long-run due to the rise in meticulous and thoughtful consumers. Another stronger option to increase sales and consumer involvement with the product is to create a product line that targets the health-conscious consumer demographic. Marketable products may include carbonated drinks but i nstead of using alternative sweeteners, the product has lesser sugar content than the original product. Another example of a product for the health-conscious consumer is a wide selection of natural fruit juices, which also has less sugar added in comparison to other competitor products. By adding alternatives to pre-existing choices health-conscious consumers have more options in buying their beverages within the Coca-Cola product line associated with lesser motivational conf

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