Monday, September 30, 2019

Balanced Scorecard Development

Abstract The balanced scorecard was introduced in 1992 as a performance measurement tool and has developed now to form a strategic management system. This paper uses eight articles, identified in Figure 1 along with extra materials to track and analyse developments in the design and implementation. The paper shows examples of the scorecard in practice and concludes that developments have been beneficial overall. It also highlights problems encountered along the way and further areas for improvement.For years managers have used financial measures to monitor performance however a study carried out in 1990 led to the development of the first generation balanced scorecard (BSC); a strategic planning and management system. By including financial and operational measures,it solved the issue that managers were beginning to reject financial measures during the 1980s and 1990s (Letza, 1996). The BSC originated analysing four perspectives; customer, internal, learning and financial,with focus driven by four questions shown in Figure 2.The BSC encouraged managers to focus on few critical measures to prevent complexity and information overload, however ensured several areas were looked at simultaneously as organisations became more complex (Kaplan & Norton, 1992). Choice around the measures allows adaptability and flexibility when using the model. This is vital in order to keep up with global competition and the ever changing environment. Companies must acknowledge this flexibility and as their strategy changes, so must the measures to stay in line with overall aims. The introduction of the BSC coincided with the recession in the 1980’s and 1990’s.Therefore companies will have been more enthusiastic about performance measurement and seen this as a good way to track progress towards strategy, growth and profit. Today, 20 years on, the core perspectives have stayed with the individual measures being adapted and perspectives added depending on the companyâ€℠¢s strategic goals. The BSC has evolved from a performance measurement tool enforced by few, to a strategic management tool used worldwide; with the main developments being ‘driven primarily by observed weaknesses in the design process rather than in the architecture of the original idea’ (Cobbold&Lawrie, 2002).Financial measures were satisfactory for the industrial era however adapting to change in skills and competencies allowed the scorecard to produce ‘richer and more relevant information about activities they are managing than is provided by financial measures alone’ (Cobbold&Lawrie, 2002). No individual measure produces adequate information to plan. When planning a journey, the objective is to get from one point to another with lots of dials producing information on the likelihood of succeeding. The fuel gage alone doesn't set the scene however collectively the measures allow a judgements and decisions to be made.For example, to increase the likelihoo d of success you may add more oil or fuel. In business with the objective to boost sales you may increase quality and therefore sales. Introducing operational measures to performance measurement, allows these factors be monitored as the drivers of future financial performance. As the number of measures is limited, companies must identify the factors that are key performance drivers in order to achieve successful implementation. With the first generation scorecard, very little was known about the implementation of the BSC.This meant companies were not gaining the full effects of improved performance. ‘What you measure is what you get’ (Kaplan ;Norton, 1992). Therefore if you measure things that have no influence, directly or indirectly to profitability and growth then it will be impossible to improve. Hence the measures must be in line with a company’s strategic objectives. Kaplan and Nortonintroduced the four processes for managing strategy shown in Figure 3 to e mphasise the need for the BSC to be linked to strategy, but there was no clarity to the importance and effect of this.Many would have good measures in place such as customer satisfaction but would not analyse this further to improve profitability, therefore a wasted opportunity as there was no real vision of making it happen. The design however, was taken on successfully by many companies as it brought everything together in one clear report. Words were kept minimal and visual aids were used to represent and explain measures. This proved effective as few words paint huge pictures, and people are designed to accept pictures and often remember these better.The BSC also looks at the whole organisation as opposed to separate departments therefore bringing all silos together. Many organisations have individual cultures within each silo and therefore departments are often driven towards targets at departmental level as opposed to overall corporate objectives. Therefore it is crucial that all measures are monitored to ensure that the targets are met through the right objectives, and not at the expense of another. For example the production department may increase productivity leading to more sales and potentially higher profits however the quality may slack causing customer satisfaction to fall.This could cause reputational damage leading customers to go to competitors who offer higher quality. The second generation scorecard expanded on this highlighting filtering and clustering as areas of concern. This took the BSC from the measurement system to an integrated management system while still focussing on strategy and performance drivers. Often this involved relating measures to key performance indicators. The second generation scorecard introduced strategic objectives and developed causality further.This development addressed the issue of an ‘inability to link a company’s long-term strategy with its short term actions’ (Kaplan ; Norton, 1996). Add ing phrases to the four perspectivesallowed companies to select measures around their strategic vision. This selection method provided more thoroughness and made implementation clearer and more defined. Causality was included in the first generation scorecard with the four statements shown in Figure 4 but the second generation developed this by indicating relationships between the measures across the perspectives shown in Figure 5; as opposed to just vague links between the perspectives.This increased the urge to ‘prove’ links (Kaplan ; Norton, 1996). This could have been bad for companies as employees may have tried to link movements in the performance measures that weren’t related trying to show one as the causation of one another; simply to reach targets. This would be more common when financial rewards were linked to performance. Even with this is mind, the linkage model became an important part of the BSC design. Introduction of software reporting systems im proved managers’ ability to react with fast diagnosis and quick interventions when problems occurred.The early software provided by AT;T, and later by companies including IBM; used email and diary programs to fasten this process. Software caused confusion as many believed it would enable design and implementation of the BSC. However, it is performance management software to use after implementation to ensure performance information gets ‘to the right people at the right time’ (Balanced Scorecard Institute, 2013). As it allowed data to be stored, objectives could be allocated to owners and measures to objectives; allowing managers to make historical comparisons to measure performance accurately over time.It also helped communicate the information effectively and enforced more control and organisation. Some packages allow performance to be measured and tracked at departmental level, project level or the organisation as a whole. This only works if there is strategic alignment throughout the hierarchy. Organisations can then narrow down the specific areas that are underperforming in order to increase focus to improve or divest that part. Although the software has many benefits some find it ‘difficult to adapt to the needs of a growing and dynamic company’ (IBM, 2013).Hence, many prefer to use self-developed software however it sometimes lacks required functions and solutions to the cause and effect; as the specialist skills are not there to develop the program. Difficulties still arose in selecting relevant measures and target setting due to conflicting thoughts amongst management. There was also difficulty communicating the linkage model to lower level staff if they did not already have knowledge of the model. This could cause problems when trying to motivate teams as there will be different interpretations of aims and targets; therefore employees working towards different goals.The late 1990’s saw the third generation and the development of the destination statement (Figure 6) in order to achieve clarification through checking the measures, objectives and targets selected. The destination statement is a form of ‘what if’ analysis that brought the tool closer to company strategy, it's management and implementation. By estimating quantified amounts of consequences and achievementsfor a set future period; companies could easily compare actual achievements to targets and benchmark against others externally, in the case it was to stick with objectives from the linkage model.For example the destination statement would predict a rate of customer satisfaction for 3 years that you could check back against annually. This will identify under achievements, perhaps where you can enhance quality to boost satisfaction; and over achievements where you can identify what successful policies to keep. Management teams could easily relate to the statement to communicate down the hierarchy in order to gain a single interpretation, as it did not include looking at complex strategic objectives. Therefore a reversal of design as it was seen as an early stage in the process, as opposed to the final,making selection of measures and ausality easier. Companies have proven success without financial measures. Svenska Handelsbanken, while not disclosing use of the BSC; have gone over thirty years with ‘no budgets, no absolute targets, and no fixed plans' but with specific performance measures in place (Daum, 2001). More recently, in 2003 a new CEO adopted the BSC for Lloyds TSB in order to ‘show employees how their actions impact their colleagues and customers and how this, in turn, translates into our overall performance’ (Lloyds TSB, 2013). This linked objectives of 80,000 employees, emphasizing the advantage of aligning the whole organisation.By involving employees at every level in some aspect of the process generates ‘acceptance of and commitment to the concept' (War d, 2005). Implementation proved successful to drive the company towards growth and away from being sales and cost driven, which had caused them to lose their strong market position. ‘The cause and effect chain of events’ was critical for them to see that would drive the revenue up as opposed to just a target of increased sales (Ward, 2005). As Lloyds are large and have overseas staff they could have faced technical and strategic challenges including cultural conflict and difficulties selecting measures.Companies with a diverse workforce should ensure they measure things that can be influenced and changed by employees. Lloyds also highlighted the point that implementation takes time and resources to ensure thoroughness. A tight deadline imposed ‘danger of completing the task while missing the goal’ (Ward, 2005). They recognized the importance employees understanding the concept before implementation so brought in a BSC specialist, who had worked closely with Kaplan and Norton to run seminars and lectures; in order to reduce this danger.Not only do employees need to understand the concept and accept the process; they should include feedback including how many employees see it as motivational and effective. If employees do not enjoy what they are doing they will be inclined to only meet targets and not excel further. The strong focus of the scorecard encourages companies to focus on what they really need to measure as opposed to what is easy to measure; resulting in all decisions being made around the strategy. The BSC changed the way people looked at performance measurement. Previously it was seen as a method to ontrol employees but the tool encourages targets in order for employees to work towards. The idea was that employees would adapt their behaviour accordingly to reach goals; hence giving them more freedom, motivation and involvement in the process. However, some may argue that the focus has shifted too far towards operational mat ters that there is not financial involvement. Adaptability should allow those companies to change to their needs. The BSC will vary for each company depending on how dynamic the industry is and what the individual aims and strategy include.Lloyds TSB added a fifth perspective as they felt it was a key driver to the company's strategic direction. Although there are BSC failures, the advances in the design have allowed more successful implementations over the years. There is now more knowledge and literature available because more companies have adopted this management tool; but more importantly there are significant successes documented for teams to learn from. With corporate social responsibility being so highly regarded nowadays due to greater awareness and regulation, modern scorecards have seen a fifth sub-perspective introduced; environment/external.This shows the broader impact on society than is indicated through the customer perspective; hence giving more in-depth analysis. A s long as the process is carefully planned, communicated and regularly monitored it should prove successful however there is always room for improvement with the uncertainty in the ever changing environment. The scorecard, instead of providing single destination outcomes could include risk and probabilities related to various possible outcomes.In conclusion, the economic environment is only going to become more dynamic but the last twenty years has proven that continuous developments should ensure the BSC is kept up to date in order to stay a useful management tool. Figure 1 – Main Articles Used Author| Title| Daum. J| Beyond Budgeting: A Model for Performance Management and Controlling in the 21st Century? | Cobbold. I ; Lawrie. G| The Development of the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management tool| Kaplan. R ; Norton. D| The balanced scorecard – measures that drive performance| Kaplan. R ; Norton.D| Transforming the Balanced Scorecard from Performance Measuremen t to Strategic Management: Part 1| Kaplan. R ; Norton. D| Using the balanced scorecard as a strategic management system| Letza. S| The design and implementation of the balanced business scorecard| Schneiderman. A| Why Balanced Scorecards Fail| Ward. A| Implementing the Balanced Scorecard at Lloyds TSB| * Full references for the articles are shown in the reference list at the end of this paper* Figure 2 – Four Perspectives for Balanced Scorecard Perspective| Why? | Customer| â€Å"To achieve our vision, how should we appear to our customers? | Internal Business Process| â€Å"To satisfy our shareholders and customers, what business processes must we excel at? â€Å"| Learning and Growth| â€Å"To achieve our vision, how will we sustain our ability to change and improve? â€Å"| Financial| â€Å"To succeed financially, how should we appear to our shareholders? â€Å"| Figure 3 – The Balanced Scorecard Process Adapted from – Kaplan, R. S. and Norton, D. P. , Using the balanced scorecard as a strategic management system, Harvard Business Review, January-February 1996, 75-85. Available from: http://scholar. google. co. uk [Accessed 23 February 2013]Figure 4 – First Generation Balanced Scorecard Source – Antunes. G et al. , Process improvement measures in social area organisations: A study in institutions for elderly: survey results, The TQM Journal. Available from: http://www. emeraldinsight. com [Accessed 15 February 2013] Figure 5 – Second Generation Balanced Scorecard/Linkage Model Source – Cobbold, I. C. and Lawrie, G. J. G. , 2002. The Development of the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management tool, 2GC Website. Available from: http://www. 2gc. co. uk [Accessed 19 February 2013] Figure 6 – Third Generation Balance Scorecard/Destination StatementAndersen. H. , Effective quality management through third-generation balanced scorecard, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Manageme nt, Available from: http://www. emeraldinsight. com [Accessed 21 February 2013] References Andersen. H. , Effective quality management through third-generation balanced scorecard, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Available from: http://www. emeraldinsight. com [Accessed 21 February 2013] Antunes. G et al. , Process improvement measures in social area organisations: A study in institutions for elderly: survey results, The TQM Journal.Available from: http://www. emeraldinsight. com [Accessed 15 February 2013] Balanced Scorecard Institue, 2013. The Balanced Scorecard & Technology: Strategic Performance Management Automation. U. S. Balanced Scorecard Institute. Available from: http://www. bala ncedscorecard. org/software/balancedscorecardsoftware/tabid/61/default. aspx Balanced Scorecard Institue, 2013. What is the Balanced Scorecard. U. S. Balanced Scorecard Institute. Available from: http://www. balancedscorecard. org/bscresources/aboutthebalancedscore card/ tabid/55/default. aspx Cobbold, I. C. and Lawrie, G. J. G. , 2002.The Development of the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management tool, 2GC Website. Available from: http://www. 2gc. co. uk [Accessed 19 February 2013] Daum, J. H. , Beyond Budgeting: A Model for Performance Management and Controlling in the 21st Century? , Controlling & finance, July 2002. Available from: http://scholar. google. co. uk [Accessed 4 March 2013] Drury, C. , 2008. Management and Cost Accounting. 7th Edition. London: Cengage Learning. IBM, 2013. Balanced Scorecard Software. U. S. IBM. Available From: http://www-01. ibm. com/ software/analytics/cognos/balanced-scorecard-software. tml IBM, 2013. Innovation Center. U. S. IBM. Available From: http://www-01. ibm. com/software/ data/cognos/innovation-center/advisors. html Kaplan, R. S. and Norton, D. P. , The balanced scorecard – measures that drive performance, Harvard Business Review, January-February 1992, 71-79. Available from: http://schola r. google. co. uk [Accessed 21 February 2013] Kaplan, R. S. and Norton, D. P. , Transforming the Balanced Scorecard from Performance Measurement to Strategic Management: Part 1, American Accounting Association Accounting Horizons, 15 (1), 75-85. Available from: http://scholar. google. co. k [Accessed 23 February 2013] Kaplan, R. S. and Norton, D. P. , Using the balanced scorecard as a strategic management system, Harvard Business Review, January-February 1996, 75-85. Available from: http://scholar. google. co. uk [Accessed 23 February 2013] Letza, S. , 1996. The design and implementation of the balanced business scorecard. Business Process Re-engineering & Mangement Journal, 2(3), 54-76. Available from: http://www. emeraldinsight. com [Accessed 15 February 2013] Lloyds Banking Group plc, 2009. Annual Report 2008. United Kingdom: Lloyds Banking Group plc. Available from: http://www. lloydsbankinggroup. om/investors/financial_performance/ company_results. asp#2007 Lloyds Banking Group plc, 2013. Performance Management. United Kingdom. Lloyds Banking Group plc. Available from: http://www. lloydstsb-annualreport. com/businessreview/our_people/ performance_management/ Schneiderman, A. M. , Why Balanced Scorecards Fail, Journal of Strategic Performance, January 1999, 6-11. Available from: http://scholar. google. co. uk [Accessed 6 March 2013] Ward, A. , Implementing the Balanced Scorecard at Lloyds TSB, Strategic HR Review, 4 (3), 16-19. Available from : http://www. emeraldinsight. com [Accessed 28 February 2013]

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Blue ocean strategy Essay

The concept of blue and red oceans is used to describe the market universe occupied by business. The red ocean consists of all industries which are currently in operation. In this business universe, the boundaries of industries are defined as well as widely accepted. This business world is characterized by high competition as companies try to outdo their rivals. Increase in competition crowds the market thus reducing prospects of profit and also growth resulting to cutthroat competition. This competition then turns this business ocean bloody thus the name red oceans (Kim & Mauborgne, 2005). The blue ocean on the other hand refers to industries which are not yet in existence. Under this ocean, demand for products is created instead of being fought for as in the red oceans. This universe also has opportunities for growth and higher profitability. Under the blue oceans, competition is irrelevant since the rules are not yet set. This approach defines the potential that is unexplored by the already existing markets. Value innovation is the base of blue ocean strategy and a company creates a blue ocean when it is able to achieve value innovation with the capacity to create value for the buyer and the seller simultaneously. The blue ocean strategy is today being used by most of the successful businesses around the world. Businesses have realized the value of adopting value innovation to help in growth and profit sustainability. China mobile company is one of the businesses which have reaped the benefits of applying blue ocean strategy in its operations (Kim & Mauborgne, 2005). Adoption of blue ocean strategy by China mobile company While using the blue ocean strategy, a company tries to create a space which is uncontested and to create and then capture new demand in the market. Another aim of the company is to ensure that competition is made irrelevant. Blue ocean strategy also tries to break the cost trade off or the value. The other objective of a blue ocean strategy is to align the entire system of the activities of a company towards differentiation and attainment of lower costs (Kim & Mauborgne, 2005). China mobile is among the most successful companies in the mobile phone market which have largely adopted the blue ocean strategy in its operations. Competition in this market is fierce as it has more than 100 phone manufactures and over 1000 products being launched in the market. This competition led china mobile to adopt a different approach to ensure it survives in this industry. China mobile has created over five domains of blue oceans which include the invention of TV phones, stock mobile phones, navigation mobile phones, secure mobile phones and energy saving phones. By the time china mobile was introducing some of these services to their phones, most of the companies in this field had not explored these areas making china mobile sales to increase and costs to reduce. Most of these areas like the secure mobile locks are still widely unexplored by most manufacturers of mobile phones (Federation of Hong Kong Industries, 1996). The mobile products of China mobile are characterized by innovative products which have created and raised their demand all over the world. Their innovative processes involves integrating and converging computers, communications, and consumer electronics functions in coming up with the china mobile phones with above specifications. While developing the phones, the company looks at possible demands within the environment which may arise in the future. One of the most popular phones from this company is the navigation mobile phone. Another make that have attracted more customers is the solar powered mobile phone (Hamel, 1998). While using the blue strategy, china mobile tries to come up with mobile phones which create demand in the market while at the same time reducing possibilities of competition. It makes phones to meet and satisfy a certain need in particular but individual market segments. Hi-tech wealth phones are secure mobile phones from china mobile which are specifically produced to fit the needs of business people as well as entertainment industry. By making this phone, the company was able to create a need in this category of people and also to increase the demand for the product. Before invention of this mobile phone, business men and the entertainment industry had no need for secured phones. However, the nature of their work could have necessitated such a phone. By making such a phone, china mobile did not only create a need in these people but it also created awareness of such needs and successfully met them. Making products which fit or satisfy a need that a company creates is effective in creating blue oceans for a company and china mobile has been able to do this (Wang & Ahmed, 2002). China’s stock market is characterized by red hot ocean. This market has high competition and many players who trade in the stock market. People involved in the stock market operations are keen on the different trends this market takes. China mobile identified these need and came up with the china Unicom and also china mobile which aids in operating the mobile stock business. Invention on the china Unicom led to high demand of it in the country. China mobile have to a large extent applied blue ocean strategy which have enabled it to continue growing and expanding even in the global markets. The products of this company are widely used due to their uniqueness and their markets are not faced with competition unlike other mobile phone manufacturers (Asongu, 2007). However, despite the proven benefits of the blue ocean strategy, it is highly criticized by different authors as well as businessmen. One of the criticisms is based on the unavailability of uncontested spaces in the market. This approach is dismissed as being descriptive or taking a theoretical perspective instead of being prescriptive. While this strategy argues that there are spaces in the market which are unexplored, identifying such places is difficult and maintaining them to avoid competition is also impossible. Since china mobile invented the TV mobiles, most of other manufacturers also followed suit thus increasing competition. The temporary blue ocean created does not last long enough to enable a company attain desired growth. Blue oceans always end up being red oceans within short periods and are hard to maintain. The cost of developing a blue ocean may thus be high than that of operating in a red ocean (Huang, n. d). The blue ocean strategy is also criticized on the ground that there has not been any control group which have been cited or used to determine its viability. There could be many companies which failed while attempting to employ this strategy thus making the viability of this strategy questionable. This theory thus does not meet the criteria of falsiability in the real practice because no deductive process has been followed to ensure its workability (Truch, 2006). The blue ocean strategy is only an enhancement of other theories of competition and now a new idea. It expounds on Porter’s competitive theories of SWOT analysis. However, this theory fails to recognize the potential threats that may face a firm while exploring new markets. Porter’s theory is superior in that it takes into consideration of possible opportunities within the industry and also the possible threats. Also, Porter’s theory is more practical unlike the blue ocean theory (Hollensen, 2007). Conclusion Businesses require strategic planning for them to be able to grow and be productive. There are different business strategic approaches which a business may adopt to ensure it gains a competitive edge in the market place. Blue or red ocean strategies are some of such strategies available to a business. With increase in competition and globalization on the rise, it is vital for any business to be innovative and creative. One of the ways to ensure that a business maintains its market share and profitability is by developing products or offering services which are of higher value as compared to other available goods or services. This can be effectively done by identifying the needs of the customers and producing products that meets and creates more demand for a product. This is only possible if a company is able to identify untapped business areas. A business should however adopt a strategy that suits its marketing needs and its growth prospects. Reference: Asongu, J. J. (2007): Generating Sustainable Funds through Branding: RED Campaign Introduces New Business Model for CSR. Journal of Business and Public Policy Blundell, R. , Griffith, R. & Van Reenen, J. (1999): Market share, market value and innovation in a panel of British manufacturing firms. Review of Economic Studies Federation of Hong Kong Industries (1996): Hong Kong Industrialist: Journal of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Replacement of kiln shell

Everything must be properly placed so that the next step, shell removal, goes aimlessly. Once the kiln shells lengths, weights, cribbing and crane requirements are determined, the shell layout can begin. The ultimate goal is to cut the shell, at the proper location, perpendicular to the centerline of the kiln. Ã'Å¡ Best ways to do this is to 1) Perform a series of stop cuts in the kiln as it is rotating, 2) Paying special attention to keep the thrust tree against the thrust roller and also against the same set of tree retainers.Once the cuts determining the overall length are complete, 3) A relief cut must be laid out. This is usually 10-inn wide section on one end ND, once removed, will provide some extra room for removing the shell. Finally, the kiln must be parked and the drive locked out, the support cribbing raised into position, the relief section cut out by hand and the kiln pushed apart by 1-1. In to allow extra room to get the new shell back in. Harmon Shah 2) Shell removal With stop cuts in, the cribbing up and the relief section removed, it is time to rig the shell pieces for removal.Typically, a spreader beam is used to provide more leeway and control while removing a section. Under the spreader beam, braided cables can be shackled together through the clearance holes that eve been cut in the kiln and reinforced. It is critical that the shell thickness is analyzed to make sure that the cables and reinforcing will not tear the shell. The shell is then cut free Of the rest Of the kiln with the use Of torches. This process will be repeated until all of the shell sections have been removed. The final step is to grind the exposed ends of the shell.Since the new joints were cut with a torch, the cutting slay and imperfections need to be ground smooth to provide a good surface to weld to. 3) Installation and alignment The installation of the new kiln shell typically occurs in the opposite order of he removal. The shell sections are hoisted ensuring that th ey are hanging perfectly on the kiln slope -? once in location this will provide an even joint to fit. Consideration should also be given to installing the longitudinal seams in adjacent shell sections opposite each other.The kiln shell is held in place by temporary joint hardware and cribbing as required. The joint hardware typically consists of angles and radial adjustment blocks, welded to the shell and threaded through rods and nuts that fit through the angles to adjust and support the shell. Radial shell mismatch is extremely important when fitting he shell using the radial adjustment blocks that were installed in the shell. When new shell fits to new shell, the inside diameter is typically the same, thus there should be less than a 1/inn mismatch. However, it is not uncommon that the inside of the old shell is corroded.When this is the case, it is important to ensure the mismatch is very even around the joint and does not vary by more than 1/inn, even if the total mismatch is 1/in. With the joints aligned, the through rods are used to pull the shell sections together. Tie bars should be installed to lock in the joint alignment attained with the mint hardware and to take up the torsion's forces exerted on the joint during rotation. At this point all equipment and material is removed from the inside of the kiln. Run-out stands, fixed location roughly inn uphill and downhill of each joint are set up.The kiln is rotated and a set of stations, 1-12, laid out on the shell. At each of these stations two readings are taken, one at the uphill run-out stand and one at the downhill. The resulting numbers are then taken and laid out on a polar graph. When looking at the magnitude of the run-out on a polar graph, opposite readings will show any corresponding moves. Several of these indications in the same quadrant will warrant a corrective adjustment of the joint. With run-out readings showing no corrective adjustment, the shell and joints are ready for the next step , welding. ) Weld Eng The shell is typically welded on the outside first. The shell joints are ground so that the mill scale is removed several inches uphill and downhill of the actual joints bevel. A root pass in the base of the bevels is welded in by hand with the welder taking care to properly preheat the shell. The remaining outside bevel is welded using the submerged arc welding (SAW) process. SAW is the preferred welding method for the majority of the bevel because of its consistent, superior quality of weld and its very high deposition rate.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Report based on a case study in Marketing B2B Essay

Report based on a case study in Marketing B2B - Essay Example According to Anderson et al (2012) Strategic thinking is vital but however many companies think that the task of strategy is the responsibility of the executive level. This is not the case. It is only the product managers who are capable of tabling strategies and are the champions of outside-in thinking. They possess an outstanding knowledge about the market and the customer needs along with product uses and applications. Ellis (2010) states that the information on product and market that is compiled by product managers should be followed to help shape and lead strategic thinking in the corporate. Establishing good marketing channels improves the speed of the market expansion of the product and also helps enterprise to attain strategic goals of marketing and at the same time improve enterprise competitiveness. Webster (2007) states that there are fundamentally 4 types of marketing channels Hilti Corporation is a company based in Liechtenstein that produces, manufactures, develops and markets construction products, building maintenance as well as mining industries to professional end users. It focuses much on anchoring systems, fire stops, hammer drills, installation services heavy drill machines, power saws, and electric drills among others. It provides global leading-edge technology to global constructional firms and professionals. Hilti products, systems, channels and services offer creative and innovative solutions with exceptional added value to customers in building and construction maintenance industries. The Hilti product, market and channel management strategies are derived from the Hilti business model as well as the corporate goal and intention of attaining sustainable and profitable growth based on the Hilti corporate strategy, customer, employee and society requirements. According to Webster (2007), within the scope of these strategies, product, market and supply management provides decisive contributions in the available areas of product

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Detrimental Effects of Medicating Children and Alternative Ways to Essay

Detrimental Effects of Medicating Children and Alternative Ways to Treat Behavioral Problems - Essay Example Ritalin is the number one prescription drug for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This drug has such tremendous potential for abuse that it is classified as a controlled substance by the Drug Enforcement Agency. Ritalin is an amphetamine (in street jargon, "speed") with a lengthy list of side effects, including nervousness, insomnia, nausea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, dizziness, palpitations, headaches, irregular heart rhythms, and psychic dependence - in short, addiction. In fact, Ritalin's appeal to drug users and its potential for abuse are so high that US House Judiciary Chair Henry Hyde (R-IL) recently filed a request with the General Accounting Office (GAO) to conduct an investigation of Ritalin abuse in public schools. In addition, class action lawsuits have been filed in Texas, California and New Jersey charging Swiss pharmaceutical giant Novartis, maker of Ritalin, with conspiracy to create the psychiatric disorder known as ADHD in order to fuel the market for their product. The latest version of methylphenidate is an extended-released tablet that will be the most expensive prescription drug on the ADHD market. ... Though promoters of the drug say it will help eliminate the embarrassment experienced by children who have to take medication at school, the drug will do nothing to eliminate the dangers of methylphenidate. In clinical studies, side effects of Concerta were virtually identical to those of Ritalin. There are natural alternatives to both Ritalin and Concerta, but you're not likely to hear about them from most conventional doctors. And if the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has its way, you won't be able to find these products in health food stores, either. Protecting Patients or Pharmaceutical Companies Late last year, the FTC charged Natural Organics, a company that markets a natural alternative to Ritalin called Pedi-Active ADD, with making unsubstantiated claims - despite the fact that Natural Organics has submitted some 200 studies, including 18 double-blind studies, in support of its claims. According to Natural Organics CEO Gerald Kessler, the FTC has failed to produce a single study supporting its allegations. Kessler questions the FTC's motives, and I agree - it's not consumers the FTC is trying to protect, it's the profit-hungry pharmaceutical companies and their stockholders. Pedi-Active ADD is used at the Whitaker Wellness Institute and have had great success with this formulation, a combination of naturally occurring compounds that support neural function. Dimethyl-aminoethanol (DMAE), a natural compound found in anchovies and sardines, was actually used for children with ADD in the pre-Ritalin days. DMAE stimulates the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that is crucial for learning and memory, and enhances

Global Warming Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Global Warming - Research Paper Example Global warming is referred to as the recent rise of the standard temperature of the earth’s environment and the oceans and its predictable persistence. In the preceding 100 years, the typical surface temperature of Earth has been increasing at about 0.8  °C (1.4  °F) with almost two thirds of the increase mainly taking place within the last three decades (Houghton, J. T., â€Å" Global Warming: The Complete Briefing†). The global warming takes place when the greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide and methane entraps the heat and light from the sun into the earth’s atmosphere leading to the rise in level of temperature of the earth resulting in global warming. It is detrimental both for the earth and for the living objects of the earth such as human beings, plants and animals among others (Maslin, M., â€Å"Global Warming: Causes, Effects, and the Future†). It also hampers the livings organisms of underwater as well. Thus, many people or organisms that become unable to bear the heat of the atmosphere get destroyed and wiped out from the face of the world. Moreover, global warming also elevates the level of the seas, and as a result the low lands are flooded with the water thereby destroying the lives of many plants, animals and people on the islands (Schneider, S. H., â€Å"Global Warming: Are We Entering The Green House Century†). Moreover, it also obliterates the agricultural plantation of the areas thereby resulting in a drought situation. Due to loss of natural plantation or agriculture, the animals as well as plants also die as a result of deficiency in food (Mohr, â€Å"A New Global Warming Strategy†). In addition, due to the loss of shelter and the resources of food, the human beings might also have to perish from the face of the earth. This may result in the breakdown of the food chain thereby affecting the entire ecosystem of the world. It mainly has occurred due to emission of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Current Events Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Current Events - Research Paper Example Many of the private equity fund managers and other stakeholders in the equity industry feared that the tax code could be changed if Barrack Obama was elected as the president. Nevertheless, private equity funds investors and limited partners have fought back to stop these tax code changes (Fifield & McCrum, 2012). Many general partners in the equity industry receive incomes from carried interest deals. This is typically valued about 20% of the fund’s yearly profit. The carried interests are usually charged at a rate of 15% on all capital gains. The Obama administration proposed different changes that could see carried interests being charged equally as incomes, normally 35 percent. Due to these possibilities in changing taxation, many general partners introduced general clauses in the partnership agreements that would enable them to change the terms in case the tax regime was altered (Fifield & McCrum, 2012). On the other hand, general partners stated that their investors showed minimum interest in their tax rates and had declined requests for controlling the industry in the event that tax breaks emerged. Evidently, these tax breaks benefited buyout groups only. According to Steve Judge, premier of the Private Equity Growth Capital Council, â€Å"the political rhetoric surrounding the presidential election certainly brought attention to many aspects of the tax code including carried interest† (Nyhan, 2011). If treatments of capital gain could be accessible to individuals who have money to invest, a policy putting higher values on financial contributions than hard work and vision would be advanced (Fifield & McCrum, 2012). Due to the ruling made by the European court in France on dividend taxation policies, exchange trade fund providers and securities, lending agents are facing a lot of problems in their revenues. The court stated that France dividend taxation policies favoring domestic funds, was

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Comparison of eastern philosphies confucianism and daoism Essay

Comparison of eastern philosphies confucianism and daoism - Essay Example This is achieved through a series of rituals. The key concepts in the philosophy are five, Ren or humanism which is the basic attribute followed by justice, wisdom, faithfulness and ritual action. Rituals are required for developing a just society and in turn contribute to being a humane person. The philosophy accepts natural proclivities of humans and thus a need is felt to cultivate appropriate practices through rituals. There is also due consideration for physical conduct which is affected by emotions, passions and desires for cultivating the mind. Thus there is a need for reflection and study to nurture the philosophical contemplation required of the follower of Confucianism which in turn develops public spirit. Dao is the road, the path, the way. Daoism is a holistic view of life which does not foster practices to influence forces of reality and reorder life, which is seen in Confucianism. Daoism deems that ritualistic practice disturbs the natural flow. Daoism instead emphasizes on practice and developing experience. Change is reality and there is thus no need to reorder it. However this does not entail a philosophy of nothingness. It only implies that there should be no disturbance of nature by humans and natural actions should allow transformation through effortless activation.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Virtues That Pharmacists Should Possess Literature review

Virtues That Pharmacists Should Possess - Literature review Example It is proposed that a review of relevant literature, focus group interviews to narrow possible virtues in good pharmacists and a survey of pharmacists and students to cater for perspectives with a reasonably large sample (

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Best Practices Manual for New Supervisors Essay Example for Free

Best Practices Manual for New Supervisors Essay Communication is a multi-faceted term in the realm of management and employee relations. It can apply to the individual’s ability to interact in general terms (supervisor to employee) or literal language skills (e. g. clearly speaking the domestic language). When language is the concern, supervisors must work to ensure all employees can effectively communicate within the organization as well as with the client or customer. In an era of diversity, most organizations employ individuals from all ethnic backgrounds and conduct business with a diverse clientele. Having clients of different cultural backgrounds does not have to pose communication barriers. In fact, with a little research and training, both the international employee and client can enjoy a mutually prosperous relationship. One of the most effective methods in communicating is in understanding. Understanding in the context of internal relations involves the supervisor’s ability to interact with employees at a level that encourages positive behavior and productivity. In terms of clientele, the best strategies and techniques in communicating with clients of different cultures would be know as much as possible about the client’s cultural background. Supervisors must be aware of the uniqueness of individual needs and how they relate to different aspects of life. While adapting to various levels of communication may seem difficult, it is possible and encouraged for the overall success of an organization. Determining Effective Orientation and Training Methods Effective orientation and training methods are similar to recruitment and selection methods, whereby selection tools prove beneficial to managers in determining which applicants are best suited for a particular position. Regardless of the industry, methods recommended include various forms of testing (personality tests, cognitive ability tests, and biographical inventory tests), combined with interviews and evaluations at both a team and individual management level. The most common indicators of training needs are when workers consistently fail to achieve productivity objectives and excessive customer complaints. These issues are best identified through organization analysis, task analysis, and person analysis, including a variety of specific training options. Specialized technology training uses the systems model of training whereby asserting the needs assessment followed by design (objectives, readiness and learning principles). After determining the needs of each individual employee, supervisors must then work toward implementation with on-the-job or other applicable training methods. If faced with a report of increased customer complaints, supervisors must first look at the organization as a whole, investigating areas that seem to be lacking and narrow down results from there. All aspects of the needs assessment can be useful: organizational, task and person analysis. Once the source of the problem has been identified, the next step is to design a training program that will address the issues while teaching employees better customer service skills. While most employees detest mandatory meetings, such gatherings work to encourage employees in maintaining good performance records and motivate low performing employees. Training to increase employee participation in pep meetings would be designed to motivate individual employees through incentives. It is important that employees feel valued and that each is an essential member of the collective team. Positive training methods must also include a level of encouraging traits, allowing each to feel he or she gains valuable knowledge from these meetings versus a feeling of dread. Improving Productivity for Teams In all levels of business, it takes teamwork to achieve the result of productivity, whether the team is part of human resources, production, shipping, or in executive management. All members of an organization must work together to attain a desired result. An effective means of encouraging and improving productivity for teams is in the use of team-based incentives. This type of incentive encourages employees to continue working as a team and thus creating a cooperative environment within the company. To the credit of individual incentives, often times individual employees put forth more effort than others and are not rewarded according to their actions when applied under a team-based incentive program. However, positive aspects of the application of team-based incentives indicate such action works toward achieving the desired result: teamwork. There is no doubt that employee incentives promote better performance. Team-based incentives are more economical in many ways. By allowing employees to work as a team, there is a greater chance of attaining a better productivity level. Offering incentives under this premise offers each employee to work well with others to ensure that final goal is attained, and therefore creating the certainty of receiving such incentives. When team-based incentives are geared toward individual teams, the results are more apt to be to the executive department’s satisfaction. For example, if X department understands that it must be the monthly requirements for Z department to complete its end of month reporting and that there will be no incentives given in the event of missing a specific deadline or goal, each respective department team will be more likely to work harder to achieve the end goal. Team-based incentives also give the appearance of â€Å"fairness† in the type of incentives offered. For example, as referenced through an article by Nancy R. Katz (Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, June 2000), although incentives lead to enhanced motivation, effort, and performance, â€Å"in the real world, however, incentives can have dysfunctional effects† (2000). Katz writes that the most common dysfunctional effect an employee’s expression, â€Å"It’s not fair! † When incentives are contingent on performance, Katz explains that workers give greater concern to the issues of fairness. â€Å"When the distribution of rewards that is perceived as even slightly unfair can lead to significant problems† (Katz 2000). Team-based over incentives provide positive points including economical benefits, encouraging teamwork, giving the feeling of fairness, and reduction of employee absenteeism. Clearly, when employees work together cooperatively the outcome requires an understanding of what makes cooperation work. Such traits include positive interdependence, individual accountability, positive interaction, social skills, and group processing. The discipline structure of these traits includes the growth of group commitment and an increased dedication to the company as a whole. While each employee must be held accountable for his or her own actions, they must also work to meet and promote each others productivity. Team settings also provide a setting whereby each employee has the opportunity to participate in explanations and discussion, problem solving, present ideas and feedback, receive group support and encouragement, and be held accountable by coworkers which leads to an individual putting forth a greater effort for a satisfying end result.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) at Doctors Surgery

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) at Doctors Surgery Proposed Working Title Does Customer Relationship Management (CRM) build stronger bonds with the customers and help provide quality services in a doctors surgery at Camden? - A case study of NHS Research Background and Context I have chosen this topic in order to find out what are the key issues that are important for successfully running a doctors surgery. We have been seeing that there are always patient dissatisfaction and complain about the services, both clinical and non-clinical. Hypothesis The hypotheses that will be tested in this research are as follows: To analyze what aspects of CRM strategies are missing in running this doctors surgery. To identify what benefits can be attained by completely implementing CRM at PPCC To what extent the employees are playing their role according to CRM strategies. To look in various models, strategies, theories and methods that can be used to make the services effective at doctors surgery. Organisation Background – Partnership Primary Care Centre (PPCC) The Surgery has been established in 1973 for the people who are living in the housing. It was named Fairweather House Surgery. Initially it had 250 patients from the housing. Dr. Morris Davies was founder General Practitioner (GP). In 1976, Dr. Diane Rosenthal, Dr. Jonathan Rosenthal, Dr. Enid Greenbury and Dr. Wil Cupola took over from Dr. Morris Davies and this Surgery was under Camden and Islington Primary Care Trust (PCT). In 1976 Camden and Islington PCT allocated more patients and gave a practice boundary that is a catchment area. In 1976, GPs appointed a practice nurse who used to do child immunisation, dressing, and cervical smear. In 1988 Dr. Wil Cupola left the surgery and Dr. Ian Hopkinson joined the surgery as a partner and there were 8 sessions of doctors and 5 sessions of nurses. GPs decided to register more patients and in 2003 total registered patients were 1900. It was difficult to offer more services from the small premise, so GPs had several meeting with the PCT to move to a bigger building. During this time, Camden and Islington PCT divided into two and this surgery came under Islington PCT who decided to move the Surgery in a bigger premises. Meanwhile, one of the local GP died and another GP went for retirement. In 1st October of 2003, Fairweather House Surgery shifted to newly built premises and named the surgery as Partnership Primary Care Centre (PPCC). After moving to this new premise, there are now 16 consulting session of doctors, 10 nurses session and 5 health care assistant sessions. Now the total registered patient is 3300 and growing everyday. (Source: Mr. Rashidul Hasan: Practice Manager and Mrs. Heather Johnson: Ex-Practice Manager at PPCC) Services Offered at PPCC Services that are offered by PPCC are personal doctoring, urgent medical problems, out of hours emergencies, home visits, talking to a doctor or nurse on the telephone, family planning services , antenatal care , child health surveillance, screening and health promotion, travel immunisations advice, sexual health for teenagers adults, quit smoking advice, alcohol advice , advice on drug problems, test results, repeat prescription service, interpreting services, careers needs and special nurse-led clinics available that include asthma/COPD clinics, diabetic clinic, cervical smears, childhood immunisation, family planning, heart disease/stroke prevention, well person checks. (Source: PPCC leaflet) Customer Relationship Management System at PPCC The surgery uses patient data storage system called VISION that is the most popular GP data storage system in the country. It has been maintained by the company called INPS. It holds all the information about the patients who are registered with PPCC. It holds the name, date of birth, address, telephone numbers and obviously the medical information. This system is also linked with the Whittington Hospital in order to receive test results including X-rays that are transferred electronically to the surgery. Rationale for the chosen topic I have selected Customer Relationship Management (CRM) because it is one of the best and most popular methods of developing stronger bonds with customers (in this research my customers are the patients who come to the doctors surgery). It can be said that if there is no patients then there is no need of doctors surgery, that is – no patient, no business. By the implementation of CRM strategies, PPCC can become one of the role model for other doctors practices. Customer satisfaction is the core of any business and when it comes to patients, it is a must. Research Questions- Formulation of researchable questions Like all research, my research also has an objective and to achieve that objective I have prepared a researchable question. The most important question to me is: ‘How effective will be customer relationship management strategies in providing quality services in doctors surgery? I will be focussing on this question through out my analysis of this research. Some of the important concerns that will arise while answering this question are as follows: †¢ What is CRM? †¢ Usage of CRM? †¢ What are the organisational benefits of CRM? †¢ How successful CRM can be in providing quality services? †¢ To what level can customer satisfaction can be achieved? †¢ How the organisation can achieve competitive advantage by CRM? Research Aim The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between the CRM and the quality of services and does it build a stronger bond with customers. Research Objectives The main objective behind this research is to understand and identify the root cause of customer dissatisfaction with the services provided at the doctors surgery. This research will focus on the real life example of a London based doctors surgery called Partnership Primary Care Centre (PPCC). I will discuss about the implementation and benefits of CRM to PPCC. In order to achieve the above aim, the following research objectives have been set: †¢ To understand and identify the root cause of customer dissatisfaction with the services provided by the doctors surgery, †¢ To determine the variable factors that could influence customer satisfaction level, †¢ To determine how CRM can bring a positive change in the quality of service, †¢ To identify how implementation of CRM can benefits PPCC. Literature Review A literature review discusses published information in a particular subject area, and sometimes information in a particular subject area within a certain time period. For the purpose of this research, the literature review is on Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Customer Relationship Management (CRM) The better a business can manage the relationships it has with its customers the more successful it will become. In order to have a better understanding and knowledge about the customers needs and demands, customer relationship management strategies can be used. Customer relationship management (CRM) is not just the application of technology, but is a strategy to learn more about customers needs and behaviours in order to build up stronger relationships with them. As such it is more of a business philosophy than a technical solution to assist in dealing with customers effectively and efficiently. ( , Accessed: 21/08/09) According to Armstrong and Kotler (2005) customer relationship management (CRM) is managing detailed information about individual customers and carefully managing customer â€Å"touch points† in order to maximize customer loyalty. CRM involves all of the corporate functions (marketing, manufacturing, customer services, field sales, and field service) required to contact customers directly or indirectly. The term â€Å"touch points† is used in CRM to refer to the many ways in which customers and firms interact. (Gray and Byun, 2001) The foundation of customer relationship management CRM is based upon identifying; understanding and being able to provide a better service to customers. CRM allows build a better relationship with customers, improving customer satisfaction and maximising profitability. It is about understanding, anticipating and responding to the exact needs of customers with a constant eye for making the services to them the best it can possibly be. The main target of CRM is to improve long-term growth and profitability through a better understanding of customer behaviour. (Source:, Accessed: 21/08/09) CRM consists of three basic components: customer, relationship and management. (Roberts-Witt, 2000) Customer If there is no customer then there will be no profit now or in the future. But a good customer, who provides more profit with less resource, is always scarce because customers are knowledgeable and the competition is fierce. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish who is the real customer because the buying decision is frequently a collaborative activity among participants of the decision-making process (Wyner, 1999). Information technologies can offer the skills to distinguish and manage customers. CRM can be thought of as a marketing approach that is based on customer information (Wyner, 1999). Relationship The relationship between a company and its customers involves continuous bi-directional communication and interaction. The relationship can be short-term or long-term, continuous or discrete, and repeating or one-time. Relationship can be attitudinal or behavioural. Even though customers have a positive attitude towards the company and its products or services, their buying behaviour is highly situational (Wyner, 1999). Management CRM is not an activity only within a marketing department. Rather it involves continuous corporate change in culture and processes. The customer information collected is transformed into corporate knowledge that leads to activities that take advantage of the information and of market opportunities. CRM required a comprehensive change in the organization and its people (Wyner, 1999). Specific software to support the management process involves: Field Service, E-Commerce Ordering, Self Service Applications, Catalogue Management, Bill Presentation, Marketing Programs, and Analysis Applications. They can be used to take the advantage of CRM, but keeping in mind that CRM is not about just technology but more about quality service. (Source:, Accessed: 17/08/09) The core components of customer relationship management The content of a CRM strategy consists of six mutually dependent criteria (Donaldson and OToole, 2002) Emphasis on quality: if we provide poor service we will lose our customers and ultimately business. The core product alone is no longer sufficient, and service quality is considered as the key to successful business. Measure customer satisfaction but manage customer service: This implies understanding and defining the various benefits that a prospect expects prior to purchase and the management of the gap between expectations and performance after the purchase process. Invest in people: Both internal and external relationships are important. Implementation of a relationship orientation can only come from the people in the organisation understanding the objectives set and meeting the required standards. Maintaining dialogue with customers: Building long-term relationships is the key issue in CRM. Companies that listen and adapt to preferences of individual customers have a higher chance to retain them and make them loyal. Setting realistic targets and assessing performance: Organisations must have an understanding of customer views of the various elements in the offering and the elements important to each individual customer. Relationship-based interfaces: This means being in touch with both internal and external customers in a responsive and flexible manner. In practice, there is a gap between what firms do, what they should do, and what is most desirable to do. The means of communication should be adapted to the needs of the individual customer. (Donaldson and OToole, 2002) Types of Customer Relationship Management There are different variations in CRM approaches and they are all in different software packages focusing on different aspects. Some of the main types of CRM are as follows: Operational CRM Operational CRM is for â€Å"front office business processes. It interactions with customers to gather and stored customer information, so that later staff can retrieve customer information as necessary. The reasons for storing this information are as follows: Managing campaigns Enterprise Marketing Automation Sales Force Automation Sales Management System Analytical CRM Analytical CRM makes strong use of data mining and other techniques to create useful results for decision-making Analytical CRM analyzes customer data for a many reasons and they are: Designing and executing targeted marketing campaigns Designing and executing campaigns, Analyzing customer behavior in order to make decisions relating to products and services Management information system In this stage the importance of fully integrated CRM software becomes most apparent because the more information the analytical software has available for analysis, the better is the predictions and recommendations are. Sales Intelligence CRM Sales Intelligence CRM is more or less like Analytical CRM, but is intended as a more direct sales tool. Features include alerts sent to sales staff regarding: Cross-selling/Up-selling/Switch-selling opportunities Customer drift Sales performance Customer trends Customer margins Customer alignment Campaign Management Campaign management includes elements of Operational and Analytical CRM. The functions include: Target groups formed from the client base according to selected criteria Sending campaign-related material to selected recipients using various channels. Tracking, storing, and analyzing campaign statistics, including tracking responses and analyzing trends Collaborative CRM Collaborative CRM consists of a companys dealings with customers that are handled by various departments within a company, such as sales, technical support and marketing. Staff members from different departments can share information collected when interacting with customers. Collaborative CRMs main focus is to use information collected by all departments to improve the quality of services provided by the company. (Edwards, 2007) Consumer Relationship CRM Consumer Relationship System is mainly for a companys dealing with customers handled by the Consumer Affairs and Customer Relations contact centers within a company. (Source:, Accessed: 24/08/09) Benefits of Customer Relationship Management Exceptional customer service is about being aware of customer needs and reacting to them effectively. CRM facilitates to understand, anticipate and respond to customers needs in a consistent way, through out the organization. Practicing CRM requires an efficient and integrated internal business system. Many businesses benefit from the organizational discipline CRM imposes, as well as from the technology itself. CRM will help business if we view it as a set of tools that let us do more for, and get more from, our customer. CRM can: Develop better communication channels Collect vital data, like customer details and order histories Create detailed profiles such as customer preferences Deliver instant, company-wide access to customer histories Identify new selling opportunities To better serve customers, organizations must ensure that information can be accessed through one single source throughout the enterprise. (Source:, Accessed: 16/08/09) Business benefits of CRM Setting customer relationship management (CRM) solution in practice requires substantial time and expense. However, there are many potential benefits. A major benefit can be the development of better relations with the existing customers that leads to: Increased sales through better timing due to anticipating needs based on historic trends, Identifying needs more effectively by understanding specific customer requirements, Cross-selling of other products by highlighting and suggesting alternatives or enhancements, Identifying which of the customers are profitable and which are not. This can lead to better marketing of the products or services by focusing on: Effective targeted marketing communications aimed specifically at customer needs, A more personal approach and the development of new or improved products and services in order to win more business in the future. Finally this leads to: Enhanced customer satisfaction and retention, ensuring that the good reputation in the marketplace continues to grow, Increased value from existing customers and reduced cost associated with supporting and servicing them, increasing overall efficiency and reducing total cost of sales, Improved profitability by focusing on the most profitable customers and dealing with the unprofitable in more cost effective ways. Once the business starts to look after its existing customers effectively, focus can be shifted on finding new customers and expanding the market. The more we know about our customers, the easier it is to identify new prospects and increase our customer base. (Source:, Accessed: 16/08/09) Customer privacy is an important issue in CRM. CRM deals with large amounts of customer data throughout various touch points and communication means. The personalization process in CRM requires identification of each individual customer and collections of demographic and behavioural data, this is the very information that most customers consider personal and private. The individual organisation gets into an ethical dilemma as it wants to collect as much information as possible about each customer to further its sales. It is a must to have the customer consent to avoid any future problems. Authorized personnel should only have the access to the stored information and data. Drawbacks of CRM As of any other topic there are some negative sides about CRM. According to a research study released in March, 2001 by the Meta Group (cited in Connor 2001), between 55% to 75% of CRM projects fail to meet management objectives. However, research undertaken by CRM Guru (The Blueprint for CRM Success 2002) indicates that the failure rate of CRM projects is 35 %. About 50 % of projects get a payback within 18 months. Research Methodology The two most common methods of data collection for any research are qualitative and quantitative. It is important to define qualitative and quantitative methods. Quantitative data is the term given to data that can be quantified where as qualitative data is the term given to data based on meanings which are expressed through words and language (Anderson, 2004). Both these methods will be used to gather data and information for this research. Interviews will be conducted with the staff members to learn about their ideas and opinions on what they can add to the existing services that they provide. If possible and permitted, then a group of patients will be selected and will be interviewed about what their expectations from the doctors surgery. A questionnaire will be prepared for conducting this research which will be given to the patients who come to take service to the surgery. All these descriptive, exploratory, ethnographic, qualitative and quantitative methods will be used to fulfill the requirements of this research. Data Collection Methods This study draws on both primary and secondary data, such as past customer satisfaction levels, as well as both qualitative and quantitative data. The main focus will be on the qualitative approach as well as observation. This is because my data analysis will be based on words rather than figures. In addition to this, an interview will be conducted on a focused group of patients as primary data source. Primary Data Collection Methods Primary sources are original works of research or raw data without interpretation or pronouncements that represent an official opinion or position. Included among the primary sources are memos, letters, complete interviews or speeches (in audio, video, or written transcript formats), laws, regulations, court decisions or standards, and most government data, including census, economic, and labour data, (Cooper and Schindler, 2003). For the purpose of my research, qualitative method of data collection is more appropriate. Qualitative research is centrally concerned with the understanding rather than the measurement things (Hague Jackson, 1996). Moreover it is believe that qualitative research provides data that is open to interpretation and argue. (Brassington Pettitt, 1996). The search will use a combination of structured and unstructured questionnaires during face-to-face in-depth interview that provide a mixture of closed and open-ended questions for ease and for the acquiring opt imum data. The interviews will be with the parties, the service providers and the service receivers that is the patients. Questionnaire and Interview Questionnaire will be one of the most important approaches that would be used in this research as it provides the simplest and fastest way of primary data collection. A questionnaire will be design to handout to all interviewees and this will give me the data I need to base my theories on. Interviews will be taken to collect data in which selected participants are asked questions in order to find out about their activities, thoughts or feeling about relative issues. The sample size will be 50 plus and of both sexes and of different age groups. Secondary Data Collection Methods Studies made by others for their own purposes represent secondary data, (Cooper and Schindler, 2003). This will include both qualitative and quantitative data as well as descriptive and exploratory research. Books, magazines, articles, journals and other kinds of publications will be used to gather the data. The libraries that will be used for resources are London School of Commerce Library, the British Library, City Business Library and Online Library of University of Phoenix. As this report is a case on NHS (National Health Service), the web sites of the NHS and PPCC will be used to get information about the doctors surgery. The information gathered on the secondary research will be presented in the literature review part of this research. Data Analysis The primary data that will be gathered through questionnaire as a form of quantitative analysis will be analysed by using the Microsoft Excel spread sheet. To have a better understanding of the data, they will be presented in Pie chart and Bar charts. The findings will be also put as percentage of the total sample size. The interview will be analysed as qualitative data as there will be opinions, suggestions and views of the participants. Resource Requirements Some of the expenses that would incur during the primary data collection would be for light refreshments for the interviewees and the expenses for secondary data would be for buying the referral books, magazines, printing and binding of the research. There will be also some additional transportation cost for travelling to the libraries. Time Scale Time is a crucial element for any kind of work and I believe that the dissertation can be completed according to the following time scale. Time Scale Week Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Submission of the Proposal Literature Review Interviews Updating Literature Review Data Collections and Questionnaire Data Analysis First draft of dissertation Revising draft Second draft of dissertation Final editing and preparing Final report ready

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Production Of Goodfellas Film Studies Essay

The Production Of Goodfellas Film Studies Essay Goodfellas is based on a book called Wiseguy written by Nicholas Pileggi. Martin Scorsese is the director to goodfellas and at the time never intended to create another gangster mafia film until he read a review of the book which in fact was the inspiration behind reading it in the first place. Scorsese was always fascinated by the mafia lifestyle and the book Wiseguy was in his opinion the most non-fictional representation of a mafia crew he had read. He knew what kind of approach he wanted to take after reading Pileggis book. He wanted to begin with an explosion of violence and have the movie get faster and more violent from then on. From his point of view, it was the only way possible to really sense the exhilaration of the fast passed lifestyle and also to portray the attraction allot of people find in that sort of lifestyle. Scorsese was drawn to the idea of the book Wiseguy being written as a documentary. It gives you a sense of the day to day activities the mafia crew used to get up to. The way they operate, how they take over businesses and for what reasons. It took twelve drafts to reach the ideal script which Scorsese and Pileggi both collaborated on. The script itself was put together like building blocks made up of sections of the book they both liked. The traditional narrative structure was not followed because Scorsese wanted to rather start in the middle of the film and move backwards and forwards. Another movie called Pulp fiction directed by Quentin Tarintino also uses this same sort of narrative structure. Scorsese wanted to deal with the gangster movie episode by episode. This is how the movie has been shot throughout. After watching the movie for about an hour, the viewer will realise why the director has done this. It is so the viewer can put the movie together in their heads. In the movie there is also a voice over to give a sense of documentary. To give a sense of one s own opinion and in this case it is Henri hill that is telling you what exactly happened. Scorsese was able to secure the money to create the movie once actor Robert De Niro agreed to play Jimmy Conway in the movie. Robert De Niro was a very well know high ranking actor in Hollywood and this was a sense of security for the financiators. Scorsese casted actor Ray Liotta to play Henri Hill in the movie but only after he saw him in Something Wild directed by Jonathan Demme and thought he had allot of explosive energy in that movie. Liotta had read Wiseguy and was really intrigued by the realism of the book. A couple of years later it was brought to his attention that Scorsese was going to turn it into a film. Iiotta auditioned for the part of Henry Hill in 1988 and campaigned aggressively for the role in the film. It is rumoured that the studio wanted a well known actor instead. To prepare for the Jimmy Conway role, De Niro researched material that had been discarded when the book was initially written. This was only done after De Niro consulted Pileggi first. De Niro also consulted the real Henri hill about the real Jimmy Burke. He wanted to know how Burke walked, talked, held his cigarette and so on. This type of research put in by De Niro let him give an exceptionally realistic portrayal of the real gangster Burke. Ray Liotta would listen to old FBI audio cassette tapes of Hill when practicing his character for the movie. He took note of the way the real Hill would speak and would listen and mimic the way he would speak to slowly condition his speech the same way Hills was. Lorraine Bracco who played Karren in the movie wanted and tried to get as close as possible to a real life mafia wife to get an idea of what that sort of character would be like. She was unfortunately unable to analyse any offer her real life subjects because they exist only in a very high tight-knit community. In her opinion it was better if the creation came from her. Paul Sorvino didn t have much of a problem when portraying his character Pauli in the movie. However it is said that he found it challenging to really show how cold hearted and ruthless the real life character could be. In his opinion this was only achievable when his own family were threatened. The real Henry Hill was paid about five hundred thousand a couple of weeks before the actual filming for the movie took place. The film was shot in New York, queens, New Jersey and Long Island over a period of three months in the summer. Scorsese had a budget of twenty five million dollars to create the masterpiece but in those days it was still a mid level budget movie. The film was broken down into many different sequences and Scorsese storyboarded everything because of the complicated style throughout. It is considered that he wanted a lot of movement and wanted the gangster action to be throughout the whole picture. In the movie the style seems to break down at the end and gets out of control when approaching Henry Hill s last days as a wiseguy. It is also considered that the style of the film comes from the first two or three minutes of 1962 French film Jules and Jim directed by Francois Truffaut. The quick edits, freeze frames, extensive narration and local multiple shots are a ll tools used in the making of goodfellas. It was this reckless attitude towards the conventional sort of filming that encapsulated how hectic and frantic the characters lives within the movie were. When watching the movie from start to finish it is evident that Scorsese vision was to overwhelm the audience with as much information as possible. Gangster life is very rich so he put a lot of detail into each and every scene. Many times in the movie it would freeze and Liotta would voice over the freeze frame. He used these to highlight a point in Henrys life. The scene where Joe Pesci kills spider for talking back to him was a hard scene to do in Pesci s opinion because he had a difficult time relating to the real person the character was based on. He had trouble justifying the action and the only way he could get around that was by not judging his character and putting himself in Tommy s shoes and making himself feel the same way his character felt. The scene where Lorraine Braco was about to shoot Henry Hill in the face on the bed was an emotional one. Many times in the movie her character is portrayed as an abused wife surrounded by crime and violence. Her portrayal of a gangster s wife was again a description of how seducing it can be by getting involved with a gangster like Henry Hill. It is said that if she did not make her work important then it would probably end up on the cutting room floor taking into account it was a male dominated cast. During some of the rehearsals Scorsese let the actors do and say whatever they wanted to for that particular scene. He made transcripts of various sessions and then whenever an actor came up with a good line he would use it in his revised script that the whole cast worked on. An example of this is the what so funny scene where Tommy tells a story about getting beaten up by the cops and Henry responds by calling him funny. This scene was based on an actual event that Joe Pesci was involved in. The actors worked on it during the rehearsals and Scorsese took around four to five takes, one a little bit different to the other. He then rewrote both of theirs dialogue and inserted it into the script. All of this gives a very convincing portrayal of what gangsters were really like because at the point of shooting the scene, the actors are themselves the character they are acting. The lighting used in the scene is a little dark and mysterious. A lot of red lighting is used which almost gives a sense of danger which relates to the fact that the room is full of dangerous gangsters. There was one long tracking shot that followed Liotta and Lorraine from outside the Copacabana nightclub and followed them right through the whole nightclub until their characters sat down. The shot was over three minutes long and captured many different aspects of Henry s life as a gangster. It shows how Henry has his whole life ahead of him and how much of an important figure he had already become. The scene does a great job at portraying Henry Hill as a celebrity and to highlight the respect people have for him. The scene is a metaphor on how seducing the high profile gangster life can be. Scorsese shot this scene about eight times because he wanted it to be exactly perfect. Near the end of the movie Scorsese wanted to properly show Henry Hills state of anxiety, paranoia and all the racing thoughts going through his head due to the amount of drugs in him like cocaine and amphetamines. It was a hard shoot to do because in real life Ray Liotta had never been under any of these influ ences. The scenes were shot perfectly and really encapsulate the hysteria behind his characters out of control life at the time. As if to show the characters life was spinning out of control and getting faster every step of the way until one day he hits a brick wall at full speed. The movie was ended with Henry regretting that he no longer was a gangster. Scorsese wanted the movie to end like this because he was trying to engage with the audience. He wanted the audience to get angry at the character and also at the system that allows this sort of thing. The movie showed a cold, unfeeling and horrible view of the mafia life style where all the bad guys are good. That is why the name itself is called Goodfellas, another variation of wiseguys, mobsters and gangsters but at the end of the day their all the same meaning. The violence in the movie was depicted realistically as possible with the added detail of freeze frames and voice-overs. It was a documentary type of movie based on true events which is also highlighted right at the beginning of the movie. Scorsese s directors cut had so much blood in the uncut version of the movie that he had to remove around ten very short gruesome scenes just to ensure an R rating. Goodfellas was Scorsese s most expensive film to date which cost him twenty five million to make. It was shown a couple of times in California where some of the viewers got a little agitated by the portrayal of Hills last day as a gangster in the mafia because of the way it was shot. Thelma Schoonmaker was the editor for th e movie and together she and Scorsese made the sequence faster and faster with a lot more jump cuts to convoy Henry s drug fuelled point of view. When Scorsese did a test screening, about forty people walked out in the very first ten minutes however the favourite scene for test audiences happened to be the what s so funny scene which later ended up being the most remember able scene of the movie. The soundtrack was chosen by Scorsese and he really wanted to use the right kind of music that commented the scene or the character in an oblique way. He did have a rule for this and it was basically to use music that was around at that time. For example, if a scene is in nineteen seventy three then he could use any song or type of music that was current at the time or older. A lot of the non dialogue scenes were shot with just music or a particular song and he even had a song called Layla by Derek and the Dominos playing in the background of the actual shot when shooting the scene where all the dead bodies are discovered. The premiere of Goodfellas was held at Venice Film Festival in 1990 where Scorsese deservingly was awarded the Silver Lion award for best director. It was then released all over the world starting in America and eventually grossing forty seven million which was almost double the amount of money he had put in. There was much critical acclaim to the movie where it scored top scores on review sites alike. Rotten Tomatoes is a movie review website and they gave this movie 97% also commenting on it calling it great cinema. When watching this movie you can t help but notice the outlaw energy vibrating off every second of the flick. When analysing this movie, it is considered to be one of the most picturesque portrayals of the mafia gangster life styles however in my opinion it comes second to the realism portrayal of the Godfather trilogy with the first one released in 1972.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Best and Worst College Degrees Essay -- Education College Career E

The Best and Worst College Degrees Abstract In today’s society everyone thinks they need to go to college, and over 80% of kids out of high school are. Out of all these kids going to Universities, the majority don’t even know what they want to be the rest of their lives once they get to college. Common sense would tell us that people would go into the field that paid them the most money, this is not always true. So what are the most popular fields to go into when getting out of high School? We did a little research and some comparative analysis, and this is what we came up with. Engineering: Research shows that the third most popular degree in demand is engineering. This pertains to the three major types of engineering. Whether it is mechanical, electrical, chemical Engineering, to achieve a Bachelors degree in any field of Engineering, the basic core classes consist of, mathematics, sciences, biology, chemistry, and/or physics. The number one reason people are obtaining engineering degrees, is for the cold hard cash. Engineers are ranked among some of the highest paying workers in the job force. One starting out in electrical engineering can plan on receiving over $50,000 the first year on the job, with a 2.9% increase after that. Engineers do many diverse jobs, such as architectural work, designing new medical equipment, and testing and fixing all sorts of electrical circuit. Business: Although business isn’t the highest paying profession, it still ranks second, when looking to a nation wide survey, on the most popular degrees. A business degree is one of the broader; more generalizes degrees that encompass many different courses from all aspects of the University. The main reason for getting an bachelors in busi... ... qualified. Your job is to know when this is happening. The bottom line is no matter what degree you pursue, or what job field you’re going for, make sure that you enjoy the work. Works Cited Gloecker, Geoff. (2007). â€Å"The Major Attractions Of A Business Minor†: Business Week Online. p1-11. Retrieved March 22, 2007. â€Å"Health Majors are Top Choice†(1997). : Techniques; Making Education & Career Connections; Oct. 1997, Vol. 72 Issue 7, p6. Retrieved April 1, 2007. â€Å"Job Outlook Strong For 2007 ME Grads†(2007). : ASHRAE Journal; Feb 2007, Vol. 49 Issue 2, p6-7. Retrieved March 22, 2007. Smith, Brendan.(2005). â€Å"The Buzz†: Careers and Colleges. Vol. 26 Issue 1, p2-48, Retrieved March 28, 2007. â€Å"The Top 100 Employers and the Majors in Demand for the Class Of 2004†(2004). : Black Collegian; Feb 2004, Vol. 34 Issue 2, p12-26. Retrieved April 1, 2007.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Justification of Science :: Science Scientific Racism Physiognomy Essays

The Justification of Science What does the average person think when they hear that an idea is supported by science? Often, it makes people assume that this idea must be objectively true, and will necessarily be more right than a theory that doesn’t have the backing of â€Å"science.† While in many cases, objective science really does produce better results than mere conjecture, there have also been influential movements in history that were justified by â€Å"science,† but which we see today as unjustifiable. These include biometrical methods like phrenology and craniology, the empirical definitions of racial difference in the 19th century, and the â€Å"scientifically† racist ideology of the Nazis, among many others. In many of these situations, biology has been used to support conceptions that were already accepted in the society of the time. However, they seemed stronger with scientific support, even if the scientific support was weak enough that it was eventually proven to be untrue. Considering this, why were these â€Å"scientific† conclusions seen as objective when, with the benefit of hindsight, it is clear that they were not? Additionally, why did the supporters of these ideologies want to use science as support? If science were seen as merely a collection of useless knowledge, it would not have been relied upon in the way that it was, so it is clear that the scientific method was trusted to add some additional level of truth to the given conclusions. The interactions between these systems of classifying groups of people, their scientific support, and society in general tell us many things about science and about people. Physiognomy and Phrenology The earliest versions of biological classification are found in the related disciplines of physiognomy and phrenology. Physiognomy, the science of reading a person’s character based on facial characteristics, was popularized by Johann Caspar Lavater in the late 18th century. His Essays on Physiognomy, widely read throughout Europe for many decades, gave a newly scientific justification to an idea that had been present in popular thought since ancient Greece. There, Aristotle recorded observing that certain physical traits in people are often linked to distinctive personality traits, and Pythagoras is said to have selected students for his classes based on who â€Å"looked† to have potential (Mainwaring 1980). As this concept reached the 18th century, it was given the explanation that God makes a connection between a person’s face and their â€Å"inner state.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Personal Strategy Card Essay

B. Carefully describe the degree to which you use each of your Learning Patterns. (Refer to the Personal Learning Profile you developed for your Week Two assignment and any feedback provided by your instructor to determine if you need to refine your responses as you complete this section.) Sequence: When I use sequential pattern on a use first basis I feel most comfortable, knowing that if I follow everything step-by-step makes completing assignments from beginning to end without interruption go smoother. Using sequential pattern in my household makes things easier, because you find myself seeking order and consistency, even when I’m not trying to. Now, that I’ve learned about sequence learning I notice it at work more often, with my desk. Everything has to be tidy and organised, if not I feel frustrated until I get it how I want it. I found out that I tend to do well when I know I am depended on to complete the task at hand. Precision: I don’t really agree with using precise pattern on a use first basis. One thing I do enjoy doing is answering questions, but I find myself being a little to specific. Some people call me noisy, but I just like to  know exactly what’s going on. In that case everyone uses precise pattern on a use first basis. Technical Reasoning: Using technical pattern on a use first basis is what I do often. I’m always trying to solve problems without writing out answers. In my opinion people learn best from their past experience. I have no sisters or brothers so I’ve always had a stand-alone, independent attitude. Confluence: My score indicated that I use the confluence learning pattern, as needed which is understandable. I guess it’s a good thing to have confluence to be used on a as needed basis, because these patterns tend to lay dormant until I need to wake them up and let them know that they need to be used. Sometimes I believe my ideas are just a little bit better then the next person, but I blame that on being the only child. There’s nothing wrong with taking a risk, but I think you have to decide the right time to take a risk. C. Identify all verbs and specific terms from the assignment instructions and describe how each Learning Pattern will be used to effectively complete the Week 5 assignment. (Critically review the Final Reflection assignment in Week Five and decode it.) Sequence: The assignment is asking you to group, review, develop, classify and show examples for each one verbs that belongs in the sequence learning pattern. Precision: It’s asking for you to explain and identify your learning patterns and describe what type of learner you are. Technical Reasoning: Technical Reasoning is not needed, because there isn’t anything specific that needs to be written briefly. Now it does say write five paragraphs 2 to 3 sentences long, but in my eyes thats not brief. In this pattern you aren’t using your hands to build anything. Confluence: This assignment is asking you to creatively think and originate the assignment as a whole. D. Explain how you will Forge, Intensify, or Tether (FIT) your Learning Patterns to implement personal strategies so you can complete the Week Five assignment efficiently and effectively. (If you do not need to FIT a Pattern, include a description of the strategies you naturally use which help you to be successful on these types of tasks.) Sequence: I’ll tether my sequence pattern, because I like things to be perfect so I don’t have to worry about my assignments being turned in late. If I continue to tether my sequence to perfection, this will give me more time to turn in my assignments no matter what class i’m taking. Precision: Intensifying this pattern involves me using the information that i’ve lerned and gathered during this course for the past five week. At the same time document how this course has affected my way of learning and writing. Technical Reasoning: I don’t believe that there are stategies for technical reasoning, because this assignment requires you to reflect and use detailed writing about what was learned during this course. Confluence: By escalating my brainstorming and coming up with better ideas that can be used to improve my writing assignments. It should be tethered because if I use too many ideas in my writing I could confuse my reader.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Europe vs. the United States of America Essay

Executive summary   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The time of the masses when individuals were forced to all think alike has long set. The contemporary period makes significant efforts to encourage individuality and diversity of opinions among society members. This generally leads to major differences in lifestyle, regarding basically all moments of live from the act of being born up until the death. Currently, these differences are most obvious between the countries of the Middle East, which promote a rather delicate human rights policy, and the rest of the globe that has strict rules regarding civil rights.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However the differences between the countries of the Middle East and the rest of the world seem to be most relevant at the time, there are also numerous elements that generate diversity between countries that promote similar civil rights as well as similar social, political and economic policies. A relevant example of such differences is obvious in the relationship between two great contemporary powers: the United States of America and Europe represented by the European Union.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The last decades have supported the U.S. as the irrefutable global leader in economics, finance, politics and military equipments and capabilities. However, history teaches us that Europe is not to be neglected. The old continent has always been able to rise above its enemies and, today, some specialists believe that it might be just a matter of time until Europe regains supremacy. â€Å"It is too soon to tell whether Washington and Brussels will head down the same road Rome and Constantinople – toward geopolitical rivalry – but the warning signs are certainly present.†[1] Economic differences   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The are numerous features of the economy that differentiate Europe from the United States, the most relevant of which being the historical factor, the status of their currencies, the citizens’ life styles determined by the levels of productivity, the unemployment rate, the formation and supported growth of the European Union or the administration of small and medium-size companies. The historical factor   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The historical factor basically refers to the two world wars Europe was involved in and which brought about dramatic consequences upon the society as a whole and its individuals. Economically destroyed after the First World War, Europe sought aid from the United States, which soon became their main creditor in all domains from education and medical care system to politics.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the years 1920 the world’s economy registered impressive growths in both Europe and the United States. Such impressive was the growth that it boasted up all economic activities and drove manufacturers towards overproduction. The overproducing of goods and services, combined with the already existent shortages generated the crash of the New York Stock Market. This led the United States, and automatically its debtors, into the great economic crisis of 1929–1933, known as the Great Depression. While recovering from the depression, the American countries focused most of their finances onto supporting their own economy, leaving the European countries without their main creditor. The currencies   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Highly relevant to the economic sectors of U.S. and Europe are their currencies. Up until January 1999, when the EURO was introduced, the U.S. dollar was the second strongest currency of the world (following the GBP, Great Britain Pound). Today, the American dollar is only the third strongest currency in the world, being preceded by GBP and EURO. However the strength of the U.S. currency has decreased, the USD continues to remain the safest currency. Proof of this stand the statistics of the International Monetary Fund. The statistics reveal that from 1999 to 2006, the accumulation of USD has only decreased from 70.9% to 65.7%,[2] the currency still detaining majority. Productivity   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another significant difference that balances power towards the United States focuses on the industrial and production sectors. However there are several countries in Europe that register increased levels of life standard, the overall European standard of living is inferior to the U.S. For instance, â€Å"productivity in the three big European countries, Germany, France and Italy, stopped catching up with the United States’ productivity in the early ‘90s, and then lost ground in the recent slowdowns and the U.S. speed-up.†[3] Unemployment   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A direct consequence of the decreased productivity rate is the increased number of unemployed citizens in the European countries, compared to a rather stable and controlled unemployment rate in the U.S. Besides productivity, Edmund Phelps believes that responsible for the large unemployment rate is the demographic factor. As such, the continuous increase in the European birth rate generates an overpopulation of the continent, an overpopulation that Europe is unprepared to support and hire. The European Union   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The European Union was established in the year 1992 and its main objective is to improve the general features of the continent in order to make it highly competitive on the international market, and reach a high level of economical, financial and political development.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However up until today Europe is still inferior to the United States, the European Union has contributed significantly to the strengthening of Europe’s international position. â€Å"The United States already feels pressured by the euro and the growing strength of Europe’s economy and its top corporations. The EU’s geopolitical ambition is still limited, but there are clear signs of wind in the sails.†[4]   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A highly relevant example of the European strengthening position is statistically represented by the financial reports on American and European investments. More and more iconic symbols of the American economy and life style have been auctioned and bought by European investors. For instance, â€Å"among dozens of emblematically American companies and products now owned by Europeans are Brooks Brothers, DKNY, Random House, Kent Cigarettes, Dove Soap, Chrysler, Bird’s Eye, Pennzoil, Baskin-Robbins, and the Los Angeles Dodgers.†[5] Small and medium-size companies   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The same study points out that Europe is better qualified in their activity of administrating and financing their local businesses. Properly handling the small and medium-size companies is a factor of economic growth as these companies can easily become highly competitive, contribute to the economic growth of the continent or hosting area and generate available jobs. â€Å"65 percent of European jobs in 2002 were in small and medium-sized firms, compared with just 46 percent in the U.S.†[6]   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Characteristic to both small and medium size companies, as well as to large corporations is the human resource policy. Europe offers better services for its employees that the U.S. For instance, on giving birth, European female workers are a granted forty-six weeks maternity leave paid with two thirds of their salary (Sweden) or three months of maternity leave and full salary (Portugal), whereas the â€Å"U.S. federal government guarantees nothing.†[7] Social differences   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However besides the previously presented issues there are numerous other relevant economic features that differentiate Europe from the United States of America, one has to also consider the social differences. Upon research numerous elements catch the attention, such as the cultural differences that derive from the diverse points of view on religion, education system or crime rate. Crime rate   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The criminality rate adherent to Europe and U.S. is approached in most cultural analysis studies and the conclusions are basically the same: America allows far more criminal actions than the continent. â€Å"What really strikes an old European in looking at the American way of life is the toleration of brutality†[8] says European Felix Voirol. The unbiased opinion of American Tony Judt from the New York Times states: â€Å"Yes, Americans put up huge billboards reading ‘Love Thy Neighbor,’ but they murder and rape their neighbors at rates that would shock any European nation.†[9] Migration of population and work force   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   America was globally perceived as the land of all opportunities, a land that makes dreams come true, that respects and protects individuals and with employers that pay them fair salaries. This was the motivation of millions of Europeans who fled their countries in search of a better life provided by the American land. However, the current situation has changed in the meaning that Europe has improved their general standards of living and has accordingly increased salaries, limiting the number of migrates to the U.S. Religious differences   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The predominant religious culture promoted by the Americans is Puritanism. The main controversy regarding Puritanism is the fact that the Puritan doctrine preaches the purity of both the soul and the body, but the American society seems to pay more attention to the body cleanliness, in the meaning of virginity that that of the soul’s. â€Å"A naked human body is â€Å"indecent† and, taken as dangerous for minors, simply censored. In contrast there are countless scenes showing people knocking themselves out, dropping to the ground bathed in blood or taking each other’s lives in ever more brutal way†[10], a state of facts that Europeans don’t understand.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, what is even more different in the religion of the U.S. when compared to the religion of Europe is the limited intervention the Church has upon the government. Religious freedom is more obvious in the U.S. that in Europe, continent almost entirely Christian. Shel Horowitz, editor at the Global Travel Review states: â€Å"The absence of state-sanctioned religion makes a huge difference to the cultural minorities in the U.S. As a Jew, I’m not at all sure I’d be comfortable living in a country where Christianity or Islam was completely intertwined with the government.†[11] Conclusions   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Along the years, renowned thinkers such as Adam Smith or Emanuel Kant have promoted the belief that national and international differences reside in culture and personal views of morality. The thinkers of today state that international differences reside in the diverse implementation of economical and political policies. This multitude of opinions reveals the fact that in order to best analyze the similarities and differences between countries, one needs to focus on both social as well as economical features.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In other words, a nation is a mixture of individuals with different backgrounds, opinions and capabilities. These individuals form up groups in accordance with their interests and the totality of these groups forms a country. To better understand the overall features of a country, as well as what are the elements that differentiate it from other nations, the researcher needs to clearly analyze the characteristics of all the groups that form the country. The analysis has to be developed from all possible points of view, including economy, politics, culture, technology or finance. Bibliography: Edmund S. Phelps, July 2006, Economic Culture and Economic Performance: What Light is Shed on the Continent’s Problem, Venice Summer Institute, Venice International University, San Servolo, 27 pages Kupchan, Charles, November 11, 2003, The End Of The American Era, First edition, Vintage Publisher, 416 pages The International Monetary Fund, 2006, Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚, last accessed on March 16, 2007 Tony Judt, February 10, 2005, Europe vs. America, The New York Review of Books, Volume 52, Number 2, New York City,, last accessed on March 16, 2007 Felix Voirol, Old World vs. the New World, In defense of the â€Å"European quality of Life†, No. 7,, last accessed on March 16, 2007 Shel Horowitz, Europe vs. the U.S., Global Travel Review,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚, last accessed on March 16, 2007 Jim Blair, Guns and Pizza: The USA vs. Europe, Big Issue Ground,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚, last accessed on   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   March 16, 2007 Timothy Garton Ash, December 22, 2002, United States of Europe vs. United States of America, Boston University Press,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚, last accessed on March   Ã‚   16, 2007 Open Source Usage: Europe vs. the USA, January 13, 2007, Info World,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚, last   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   accessed on March 16, 2007 George Irvin, January 16, 2007, Europe vs. USA: Whose Economy Wins?, The New Federal List,, last accessed on March 16, 2007 Simon Gordon, March 13, 2003, SAN adoption in Europe vs. United States, Search Storage,,289483,sid5_gci885852,00.html, last accessed on March 16, 2007 Howard LaFranchi, March 18, 2004, US vs. Europe: two views of terror, The Christian Science Monitor,, last accessed on March 16, 2007 V.A. Gijsbers, Atheism In Europe vs. U.S.; Values; Truth; Sects, Positive Atheism,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚, last accessed on March 16, 2007 Europe vs. US, the challenge, Tourist Blog,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚, last accessed on   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   March 16, 2007 Matt Asay, January 13, 2007, Open Source: Europe vs. USA, Asay Blog   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚, last accessed on March 16, 2007 [1] Kupchan, Charles, November 11, 2003, The End Of The American Era, First edition, Vintage Publisher, 416 pages [2] The International Monetary Fund, 2006, Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER) [3] Edmund S. Phelps, July 2006, Economic Culture and Economic Performance: What Light is Shed on the Continent’s Problem, Venice Summer Institute, Venice International University, San Servolo, 27 pages [4] Kupchan, Charles, November 11, 2003, The End Of The American Era, First edition, Vintage Publisher, 416 pages [5] Tony Judt, February 10, 2005, Europe vs. America, The New York Review of Books, Volume 52, Number 2, New York City [6] Ibid. [7] Ibid. [8] Felix Voirol, Old World vs. the New World, In defense of the â€Å"European quality of Life†, No. 7 [9] Tony Judt, February 10, 2005, Europe vs. America, The New York Review of Books, Volume 52, No 2, New York [10] Felix Voirol, Old World vs. the New World, In defense of the â€Å"European quality of Life†, No. 7 [11] Shel Horowitz, Europe vs. the U.S., Global Travel Review