Friday, December 20, 2019

President James Madison Essay - 1381 Words

President James Madison James Madison, (1751-1836), 4th President of the United States of America. Although he served eight years each as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, as secretary of state, and as president, Madisons principal contribution to the founding of the United States was as Father of the Constitution. Madisons place among the Founding Fathers reveals the essential qualities of his public career. Jefferson had a superior vision of the potential for life under republican government, a greater capacity for leadership, and a special gift for the memorable phrase, but Madison had a more subtle and incisive political sense. Madisons ancestors, probably all from England, settled in Virginia along the†¦show more content†¦He also attacked Patrick Henry, who did not believe that the Constitution fully protected Virginia and its people, in dramatic and finally successful debate at the Virginia ratifying convention . Madison and Jefferson viewed republican government as resting on the virtues of the people, sustained by the self-reliance of an agricultural economy and the benefits of public education, with government itself remaining mild and responsive to grass-roots impulses. This attitude became the foundation of the Democratic-Republican Party, which was fundamentally at odds with Hamiltons concept of a strong central government. Madison and Jefferson then seized on widespread public sympathy for Frances expansive, revolutionary exploits to promote republican sentiment in the United States. Madison bitterly opposed Jays Treaty, feeling that it made the United States dependent on England and in fact tied America to the corrupt power-politics diplomacy of the Old World. With the final ratification of Jays Treaty, Madison felt that a commercial junta that cared very little for the republican character of the nation had gained control. The war-like attitude toward France of President John Adams, administration alarmed Madison. The XYZ AFFAIR brought the United States and France close to war. During the continiuous turmoil in the United States, theShow MoreRelatedJames Madison : The First President Of The United States991 Words   |  4 Pages James Madison was the smallest elected president of the United States; he measured 5 feet 4 inches and weighing less than 100 pounds. He was born on March 16, 1751 in Port Conway, Virginia. Madison Jr. was born in a family where tobacco planting was the main resource of income. His father James Madison Sr., owned a huge tobacco plantation with his mother Nelly Conway. 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