Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Encounter Point Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Encounter Point - Movie Review Example The issues of land and water are especially important factors since the region in which these countries lie has arid and semi arid conditions. Due to inadequacy of water, there has been a struggle concerning the control of water sources (Tesssler 67). Another factor that has contributed to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the Muslim insurgency in the region. Most attacks in the Middle East are terrorist attacks whereby Israelis face growing attacks from insurgent militias and terrorist groups from all countries in the region in support of Palestine. In response, Israeli retaliates with attacks also. This has ensured that the Palestine-Israeli conflict has persisted for years despite efforts by the international community to quail the violence. However, the International community seems to favor Israel and this has worsened the peace in the region since the Arab world feels that Palestine is being fairly untreated. Despite numerous peace accords and ventures, the insurgency seems to be rising and enmity between these two states worsens. However, those that suffer are the civilians. Most of the attacks in the conflict are directed at villages, railway terminals, bus terminals, churches, and mosques etc, where many people assembl e. This has led to death and suffering of very many civilian Palestinians and Israeli (Tessler 68). This movie is based on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, whereby people have decided to use non violent means to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. People have decided that since it is civilians who suffer in the conflict, it is civilians themselves who can ensure that such conflict is suppressed so that peace prevails. The producers spent a total of 4 years in coming up with this documentary. Encounter movie examines the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in detail by analyzing the lives of various

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