Saturday, August 31, 2019
Genetic Engineering Essay
Do you think that Genetic engineering is a positive step in our development? Many people think that genetic engineering is the next step in the evolution of humanity and has many benefits. However, genetic engineering presents unprecedented ethical and social concerns, such as damaging nature, limiting human autonomy and risking to human health. First of all, genetic engineering can cause widespread crop failure affecting the natural environment. Nowadays, many people think that genetically modified foods can provide benefits such as increased nutrients, spoilage reduction, and a decrease of chemical contamination. However, there are a variety of environmental risks associated with genetic engineering. By combining genetic material from unlike species, genetic engineering essentially creates new organisms. When genetically engineered crops are planted there is a risk that some materials will contaminate wild plants. The consequences of this type of pollution are unknown. The long term effects of genetic pollution could include harm to plants, insects and animals and a loss of biodiversity. For example, when a farmer plants genetically engineered seeds, all the seeds have identical genetic structures. Thus if a virus grows which can attack this certain crop, there would be a widespread crop failure. The wind, insects, and plants can all carry genetically changed seeds onto close fields and land. Thus all crops, organic and non-organic, are threatened by contamination. Also, this contamination is different from other kinds of pollution because once the genes are out, they cannot be recalled. It can also contaminate water supplies and kill all the weeds in a field, thus lowering biodiversity. In short, the process of genetic engineering can thus introduce dangerous new toxins into foods that were previously naturally safe, altering the natural food chain. Secondly, genetic engineering limits children’s autonomy to shape their own destinies. Genetic engineering is becoming so advanced that soon people will be able to make their children exactly how they would like them to be. However, the genetic modification of humans can pose an ethical debate about the rights of the baby . The fetus should be free to not be genetically modified because once the genetic modification of the fetus akes place then the baby is changed forever, there is no chance that the genetic modification completed prior to birth could ever be reversed. In addition, if parents are able to remake a child’s genetic makeup, they are indirectly writing the genetic instructions that shape his entire life. For example, if my parents give me blue eyes instead of brown eyes, if they make me tall instead of medium height, if they choose a passive over an aggressive personality, their choices will have a direct effect on me. According to some statistics 90% of Americans thought cloning human beings was a bad idea. Only 7% thought it was a good idea. Even when this method helping infertile couples have children, an overwhelming number of Americans still did not accept these circumstances as enough justification to support human cloning. In brief, genetic engineering could be used to create artificial molds of people, pointing their destinies in directions that they would not freely choose themselves. Finally, genetic engineering poses serious risks to human health. Many people think that application of genetic engineering is useful for increasing positive traits in a human-being such as longevity and for the treatment of some diseases. However, genetic engineering can also increase the probability of new strains of bacteria or virus, known as pathogens which can create new diseases. There is no doubt that genetic engineering can increase immunity in crops but such resistance in crops can get transferred to harmful pathogens. New drugs can’t be developed to combat them because these viruses are stronger than those now present. According some researches the use of genetic engineering crops has, in many cases, increased dependence on pesticides and other chemicals. The health risks of pesticides are widely recognized, and actually these toxins have been linked to various cancers, as well as disorders of the neurological and immune systems. Genetic engineering would reduce the human gene pool therefore making us more susceptible to widespread diseases. In conclusion, the trend toward genetic engineering is a risky and dangerous movement that can cause concerns, such as damaging nature, limiting human autonomy and risking human health. We must leave the natural world to self-selection without creating the possible results of genetic engineering catastrophic.
Friday, August 30, 2019
During protestant reformation
Henry Vic's people became angry with the church, and German monk Martin Luther spoke out (95 theses). B. The Elizabethan Era (p. 288) Elizabeth l, prove to be great ruler. Sent Sir Francis Drake across globe, and Sir Walter Raleigh tried to put colony in Virginia. Greatest feat is defeating the Spanish Armada. C. The Rise of the Stuart and The Defeat of the Monarchy (p. 289) After death of Elizabeth, James I took throne (Scotland). This angered Catholics after his support of Church of England. Charles I took over in 1625 and relations withPuritans worsened, also after he dismissed Parliament. This put England into civil war. Oliver Cromwell and puritans defeated Royalists. Puritans made a commonwealth. Big set back. Once Charles II came back from exile to assume the throne restoration began. D. The Renaissance (p. 290) Art, poetry, music, theatre, all thriving during this time period. Started in Italy and spread throughout Europe. Life on Earth began to hold more energy and interest than thoughts of afterlife and religion. A renaissance man was a well rounded man who did the best he could with his or her talents. This was the time of Shakespeare,Galileo, and other creative people who invented and developed things to cultivate time period. Such as compass, printing press, and things like that. People began to explore life on earth and began to question many important things. Theatre was huge during this time, and King James Bible was made. The time period concluded in 1660 II. Renaissance Literature A. Pastoral Poems and Sonnets (p. 291) Energy became vibrant in literature. Sir Phillip Sidney, Sir Walter Raleigh and Edmond Spencer all put forth great literature. A pastoral poem is one that represents an idealized manner of shepherd life. Literature of Nature also emerged evilly.B. Shakespearean Drama (up. 292-93) Shakespeare contributed so much to drama and literature during time period. Mystery, mystical and morality plays developed greatly. Interludes and Lati n and Greek dramas. He contributed tragedy and Comedies that to this day are famous. Also satires. His plays displayed many events and stories throughout history C. The Rise of Humanism (up. 294-95) Art, History, Philosophy and literature is what Humanists studied. English humanists were Erasmus, Sir Thomas More. Utopia was famous work of literature. Many translations also appeared. D. Spiritual and Devotional Writings (up. 295-96)King James Bible did more to mold English writing than anything. Scholar John Wickedly was scrutinized for his translation of spiritual scripture. King James Bible influenced John Million's â€Å"Paradise Lost†. Also puritan writer John Bunyan who was famous for his allegory arose during this time. E. The Metaphysical and Cavalier Poets (up. 296-97) Ben Johnson was an accomplished poet related to Shakespeare because of that manner or writing. Ben Johnson had a group of men who followed him called â€Å"Sons of Ben†, this included Robert Heroi c, Richard Lovelace, and Sir John Suckling. John Done represents the Metaphysical poets.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
My Communication Style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
My Communication Style - Essay Example Many of the customers possess the communication style of being a questioner and an asserter. As they are on the receiving part, they tend to ask in-depth questions and try to clear out all possible level of queries with the customer service representative. Some customers are harsh and some are cool and patient. Different types of customers need to be dealt according to their nature of questions. At the end of the day, there are certain goals and objective that I have to accomplish and be accountable to my management. Hence to achieve these goals I need to constantly improvise my communication skills. At certain times, some difficulties may lead to undesirable conversations which may lead to conflicts with the customers. The Perfectionist : While dealing with a perfectionist I would ensure that I give in all the details and also accomplish all my goals while dealing with customers. Since the perfectionist wants detail oriented conversation, all details would be provided The Achiever: When an achiever style of communication comes forward, as I too am an achiever, the conversation would be enjoyable as well as logical. As both the customer and I would be clear and logical on whatever is being communicated. The Romantic: While dealing with a Romantic style communication of the customer, I would make the customer talk more about their feelings and perceptions about the product or service so that they feel motivated and feel important during conversation. The Observer: I would ask the Observer style of customer to clear their queries as such customers do not share their feelings. Being an achiever, I would ask them to share their though process and convey my opinions accordingly. The Questioner: I would communicate with a style that is not confusing and in which the customer does not have any doubts because such customers are very particular about
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Museography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Museography - Essay Example he same meaning as globalisation, these terms are far from the present definition of globalisation and far from appropriately expressing the status of contemporary art. Globalisation at present is defined as the growth of the relationship of nations beyond territories (Scholte 42) which in if examined further, means a relationship that is not limited by territorial boundaries of countries. The global relationship that is free from the restrictions of territory gives way to the further exploration of cultures, customs and economic practices of other nations while also providing the chance of explorative collaboration of nations with a common goal of improving bonds and creating innovations among nations. Moreover, globalisation in this sense means crossing even the boundaries set by society on matters that are socially acceptable and those considered taboo by the public. After clearly defining the term globalisation in relation to Hou Hanru’s statement, it is now easy to analyze the effects of the contemporary definition globalisation to the art world relative to Hou Hanru’s statement on promoting different cultures and fusing these cultures through art. Analyzing the effects of globalisation to the art world would mean looking into every perspective of the connection between the concept of globalisation and art. Some angles that would help in better understanding of the interrelation between globalisation and art are the readiness of nations to accept differences in cultures and art ideas; the willingness to fuse art concepts; and the openness to incorporate new ideas and elements into concepts of art. The preparedness of nations in accepting cultures and concepts of other nations taking into consideration that some cultures and ideas may have some conflict points with each other would be an area of concern because this may cause misunderstanding among nations. For instance, an incident in the Interpol art exhibition in Sweden wherein the art event was to
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
MOD 3 SLP SECURITY AND DOMESTIC ANTI-TERRORISM - Essay Example 67). It is reported that the armed gang has held hostage teachers and students; and have so far killed five students and one teacher. The key individuals are; the principal of the Shining Star Elementary School, the emergency manager of the county, the mayor of the town location, and the county supervisors chairman. The school principle is responsible for initiating the response and the management approaches for addressing the gang attack crisis. The principle is the contact person in charge of events that occur in the school, that he/she bares the responsibility of initiating the first emergency response. In the first scenario, the principle should contact appropriate agencies that handle crisis involving armed gang attack on institutions. The police department should be informed to ensure effective handling of investigation, negotiation and criminal aspects of the attacks. The principle should inform the local authority officials, so as to provide leadership to the surrounding community during the attacks. Hospital emergency staffs should be informed that as they provide treatment and counseling to the traumatized and injured victims. â€Å"The press must be given enough access to the accident scene†(Seeger, 2008, p. 128). The emergency manager of the county should arrive immediately at the scene of armed gang attack. The manager will aim at coordinating the effects of other agencies in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the victims of the attack, during the hostage duration and after their release. The safety of the members of the public should also be ensured by â€Å"the responsibilities of the emergency manager†(Friedman, 2011, p. 73). They should not be too close to the gang attack scene, because they can be fired at by the gang members. The public should access the rescue process through the news media at home. The emergency manager must contact all the agencies
Monday, August 26, 2019
The Likelihood of Success That Halliburton Can Achieve Essay
The Likelihood of Success That Halliburton Can Achieve - Essay Example There is an increasing concern among corporate houses to manage the current and the emerging issues that are being faced by them. This is required in order to create an effective management and maintain a competitive edge over its competitors. If the issues are not resolved by the management in a timely manner then this is likely to impact the financial performance of the company and raise the question of the credibility of the corporate governance. The most important task of the management is to identify the prioritized critical issues that are being faced by the organization. The effectiveness of resolving the issues depend on the identification of the problems and allocation of the top management in resolving that issue. Corporate scandals have an immense impact on the credentials of a business. The past decade had witnessed a major increase in the rate of the corporate scandals which had significantly impacted the profitability of a business. Corporate scandals have become an imp ortant source of loss of investor confidence in the company. A root cause of this failure has been identified in the â€Å"command and control†nature of these corporations which follows a top-down approach to management with a single board dictating the policies. Owing to these complex procedures that raise the chances of corporate scandals, organizations are now being increasingly forced to adopt a simpler managerial structure that is guided by flexibility. This is essentially a secondary research that will use data from secondary resources and interpret the problems that have been faced by the company and the way in which it has been successful or unsuccessful in handling the issues. The report tries to analyze the likelihood of success that Halliburton can achieve. This report will use the academic framework of SWOT to identify the issues that are being faced by Halliburton.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Portrait of a Fourth Grade Classroom Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Portrait of a Fourth Grade Classroom - Coursework Example Gullon (2005) observes that â€Å"your classroom has to serve a variety of purposes for a variety of people and as such will need routines and rules.†There is also the need to ensure that there is maximum quietness at all times to facilitate individual learning and attentiveness during lesson delivery. Again, tidiness ensures safety and makes the class conducive for learning. Finally, in other to ensure that obedient students are encouraged to put up good behavior and disobedient ones are deterred from their bad behavior, it is important to constitute a reward and punishment mechanism. Establishing an effective learning environment where all students achieve learning outcomes relies on the implementation of a broad range of classroom organisation and management strategies (McBain, 2004, p.1). This tells of how important classroom organization is in the everyday upkeep the classroom environment.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Mgmt 4420 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Mgmt 4420 - Essay Example The impact of global pressures on the talent can include a drop in employee engagement, destruction of company reputation or brand, acute shortage in workshop productivity, delayed retirement, and organizational restructuring. Uncertainties create problems Employee turnovers increase and the pressure to reduce costs emerge on the horizon. However, these responses do not consider the long-term consequences. For businesses to survive given the global external pressures, innovations are necessary and the keys to innovations are the talent. In other words, global pressures require innovations for companies and firms to survive the pressures. At the same time, talent management is key for the required innovations for business survival. Some of the key questions that become more important in talent management are as follows: Clearly, the above questions are the key questions in managing the talent. Good talent management will enable the firm to position itself for survival, advantage, and growth. Good talent management that enhances positioning for survival imply workforce rightsizing, labor cost optimization, improvement in operational efficiency, and doing the basics. Good talent management that promotes positioning for advantage should imply measures that promote accelerated innovation, creation of new operating models, upgrading of critical skills, talent acquisition, flexibility in strategy, and rapid engagement and alignment. Finally, good talent management that results to positioning for growth should imply the following: Thus, talent management is a strategic imperative for business firms (Lubitsh and Smith, 2007, p. 6). The discussion of Cheese et al. (2008) is consistent with what we have discussed in the course. Talent management is about retaining the best talent. We have to selectively retain the talent we need. We ought to fire some if a talent does not have a good fit with the business organization (Hedger, 2007, p.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Peeve Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Peeve - Essay Example Traffic fatality rate in the non-Interstate rural roads for the year 2003 stood at 2.72 deaths per 100 million vehicle miles, in comparison to the traffic fatality rate in other roads in the year 2003 of around 0.99 deaths for every 100 million vehicle miles. Truck traffic in small town roads and at the railroad crossings is an ongoing safety issue, in addition to their repair and maintenance concerns. Finally, lower level of physical activity and regularity of transportation, rural areas have disproportionately higher fatality and crash rates for the pedestrians and undeveloped public health outcomes (Shoup and Homa 8). Several rural areas presently experience declines in their population due to younger residents migrating to urban life for employment. These cases lead to rural being left without mature road system, which is the legacy from the time when larger population lived. Improving the public transportation is linked directly with encouraging the active transportation to be safe with attractive facilities. To reach their destinations and the everyday locations, people in smaller cities are dependent on travelling with unsafe infrastructural facilities alongside the highways with their excessive travel speeds (Shoup and Homa
Netflix Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Netflix - Essay Example The brand took a bad hit when they increased prices the last time. 2. Netflix has made another positive step towards offering their original productions to the consumers such as â€Å"the house of cards†which has had high viewership rating which should project more segments the company can enter into. 3. The company has so far not been able to penetrate into Latin America because a great deal of the economy works on cash, with a cultural change of high acceptance and usage of debit and credit cards the brand could easily penetrate the market. 4. Netflix collects data from their subscribers, over the years this practice by other companies has received a lot of criticism. Eventually an increased regulation in this regard could result in restricting Netflix’s ability to use technology for data collection and making recommendations. Jacobs, Y. (2011). How I Predicted Netflixs Fall, And Why Its Prospects Are Getting Worse. 2013 Seeking Alpha. Retrieved Lawler, A. (2013). As ISPs Like Cablevision Cozy Up To Its Open Source CDN, Netflix Makes 3D And â€Å"Super HD†Video Available. AOL Inc 2013. Retrieved Steltar, B. (2012). A Turnaround at Netflix, as Its Mail Sector Shrink. 2012 The NewYork Times Company. Retrieved
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Utopian Socialists Essay Example for Free
Utopian Socialists Essay Robert Owen was one of the founders of socialism ad cooperative movement, which in later years, Karl Marx had named as Utopian Socialist. Utopian ideals were derived from the three pillars his thought: (1) â€Å"no one was responsible for his will and his actions because his whole character is formed independently of himself†; this idea however, has earned him as a pioneer in the promotion of human capital; (2) he believed that â€Å"all religions were based on the same absurd imagination†; and though he did embrace spiritualism at the end of his life, still he was one amongst those who opposed religion; and (3) he supported the cottage system, and disliked the factory system. His first of his pillars of thought, the notion of environmentalism wherein he believed that all humans are product of the environment and that our human nature could not be changed, has become a cornerstone of all socialist theories. On his second idea, he rejected Christianity and its customs, and instead he relied on the guidance of Reason and Nature. And the third of his pillars, Owen revolutionized the factory system. As such he believed that factory system encouraged social responsibility, heartless individualism and destructive competition. Contrastingly, he recommended that a plain and simple plan will contain less danger to the society and individuals which will encourage the poor to become independent and self-supporting. Further, he instituted the establishment of villages and communities as a possible way of alleviating poverty. He also adopted the idea of private ownership and profit motivation despite of other humanistic measures that he had. And until his dying days, he proceeded on organizing the working classes in England (The History Guide). Saint-Simon Saint Simon was the founder of the French Socialism. His thoughts have greatly influenced the theories of industrialization and the realities of industrialism. In contrast to other socialist theorists, Saint Simon welcomed industrialization and capitalist growth. Further he found expertise and enterprise on the grounds of industrialism. One of his ideas â€Å"the Hand of Greed†described the basic avarice of the human beings. He believed that in the simplest form of society, man will always find a way to survive. Thus, he believes that all men strive to attain a higher place in the society’s innate hierarchy. Thus, his idea in achieving his utopian socialism, is for the society to eliminate this greed and way of thinking of human beings. The French Revolution became a starting point of his thoughts, when the opposition against destructive liberalism was strong, he advocated for a fresh social revolt and made appeals to the king to bring a new social order. Moreover, he found the dangers of uncontrolled individualism, thus he propagated the ideas towards an increase in productivity, organization, innovation, efficiency and technological discovery. Though, still he was not complacent enough to think that these ideas are to be achieved in a free market economy. Further, he was an elitist in nature. While he condemned kings, nobles and clergies as useless and parasitical, he placed the highest of glory, prestige and authority towards the technocrats. He believed that kings and nobles only should serve at a necessary and limited role, he distinguished technocrats with the role to lead and direct the development of the society (The History Guide). Charles Fourier was regarded as the â€Å"most utopian†amongst all the Utopian Socialists. He was aware of all that was happening in England after the Industrial Revolution. Further, he rejected the ideas of industrialization, laissez faire, and the factory system, due to what these can cause to the human society. And although he rejected the ideals behind industrialism, he made no actions to rectify the dangers incorporated in industrialism, his only action against it was to ignore it. But nonetheless, he had his own share of his philosophical writings. His ideas had told tremendous ideas for the future. His parable of the Four Apples, reflected a certain type of Enlightenment theme, wherein he used reason and nature as the main tenets of his writings. He also criticized bourgeoisie society for creating an â€Å"unnatural civilization†, and consequently added his paradigm for a â€Å"non-repressive society†wherein it shall provide an avenue for the expression and cultivation of human growth. For he believed, human nature was God-created, and that it must follow that the society should respect all avenues for human development rather than fighting it. Moreover, his idea of social success is attainable through concern and cooperation amongst humans – this also prompted him to organize â€Å"phalanxes†which he believed shall nurture cooperation among human. He also blamed poverty and inequality as the principal culprit for disorder in the society, thus bringing into the light the proposal to raise wages into sufficient level in order to eradicate poverty. His main concern was to liberate all individuals through education and the liberation of human passion (The History Guide). John Stuart Mill’s works were often perceived as works in contradiction. He was a proponent of classic liberalism, utilitarianism and held a utopian socialist aspect. He wrote â€Å"utility†as the greatest happiness principle, at which he regarded that actions are proportionately translated into happiness or its reverse accordingly. He also proposed for the hedonistic concept of happiness, as he equated it with the absence of pain. In his discourse of society growth, he consequentially failed to incorporate the process of human development, but rather extensively focused on his pleasure principle. Although he considered individual liberty as only secondary values, he admittedly related the problematic concepts of individual liberty in the course of economic entities. He regarded restrictions on trade and production as â€Å"evil†restraints, and consequently, he regarded the works of free trade as â€Å"one sided freedom†. He also believes that at any point in time wherein individual liberty clashes with liberty of economic entity, economics shall always prevail because it shall always provide for the greatest amount of happiness. And though he believes that given the chance, the best of human nature shall prevail, still he felt that individual liberty was only a secondary option and their needs are only second to be fulfilled. Further, he also developed an elitist mentality and formed his utopian concept rooted from his utilitarianism. He explicitly expressed contempt against the masses and expressed his doubt in the principles of democracy and instead suggested the rule of intellectual aristocrats (Galloway, 1996)
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Cheating Prevention in Multiplayer Online Games
Cheating Prevention in Multiplayer Online Games Shane Willcox Introduction One of the many modes within most games these days is playing with other players with Online Multiplayer. While most games have a multiplayer mode, some games are based and built for multiplayer. Multiplayer games are become extremely popular with millions of people playing them every day. Since Multiplayer games attract many players, there are always those people who go out of their way to find ways to cheat to gain advantages over others and sometimes ruin other player’s experiences playing against or with a cheater. Cheating in games have almost always been there right from the start, however cheats were single player only which is normally over looked as they only affect the game and the cheater and no one else, however with the evolution of gaming and multiplayer, cheating has spread to this type of gaming. Types of Cheating It can cost a company thousands to try and stop players that are using cheating methods by detecting and preventing them. (Yampolskiy(2008)). With Online multiplayer games there are many different types of cheats can be used if a game is not detecting and preventing cheats and can heavily damage the game and can receive complaints from the game’s community, some classes of cheats include: Reflex Augmentation which is using artificially intelligent (AI) computer assistant tools in order to perform actions that are faster than should be and also provides unfair precision humans could not possibly perform. For example the use of an aim-bot that can be used on some FPS’s (First Person Shooter) and aim-bots provide unfair precision on opponents giving the opponents no chance to react (Yampolskiy(2008)). Another is Authoritative Clients Utilizing meaning the hacking to altered commands (Yampolskiy(2008)). Information Exposure which getting access to hidden information. (Yampolskiy(2008)). On Example is a wall-hack which lets the cheat see through walls. Compromised Servers, which is the changing of game states at a server level. For Example using artificial lag (Yampolskiy(2008)). Exploits due to poor game design or overlooked features to take an unfair advantage within a certain game. For example in some Call of Duty games there are some map glitches which allows players to access parts of a multiplayer map that should not be able to be accessed, as well as game ruining glitches such as in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, there is an exploit that allowed players to get an unlimited amount of explosives that ruined most of the player’s experiences with explosives being insanely overpowered and unfair. Unfortunately there is a lot of cheating methods within the online community of games and some can impact players causing complains from fans and if the fans are reacting negatively that will undoubtable affect the game’s sales and cause the certain games to become unpopulated within the game’s servers as well as if the developers can fix and pervert the cheaters then the damage has already been done. One genre that can be affected by cheaters is FPSs. There reason for this is that FPS’s are some of the most popular games to be played online and their design can lead to cheats coming up with cheats that can gain advantage. One called a ‘wall-hack’ that lets the cheaters see enemies through game objects that should not be able to be seen through and therefore get can extreme advantage. However an aimbot is much more unfair. Aimbot and there Preventions An aimbot or aiming robot is essentially a type of tool that lets the user automatically lock on to the enemy players. This is done by having the aimbot gain prohibitive access to the internals of the game and gives the user the ability to acquire enemy targets instantly when the target is in a direct sight line (Yu(2012)) and sometimes even not user’s viewpoint even if game objects such as buildings and walls are in the game lets the players shoot through them, for example in the Call Of Duty or Battlefield series. This lets users to defeat targets with both speed and pinpoint accuracy even if the target is moving at high speed and human players are probably incapable of achieving this all the time, even if the player is extremely skilled with a game it is almost impossible. One method that could be used to detect aimbot behaviour is by having a Dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) model incorporated into the game’s system. The DBN shows different kinds of variables that can determine whether a player is a cheater and shows that they have detected them. Some variables that can be looked at is if the player is moving, if the target is moving, if the aiming direction of the player has changed, and the distance between the player and the aiming target. (Yeung (2006)). Using this model is known as a ‘first order Markov process’, which is the making of prediction from information from the present state. The process is implemented because aiming is a process which is heavily dependent on what is happening in real time since when a player aimed adjustments are needed to keep accuracy on point such as control of recoil (if any) and rate of fire(Yeung(2006)). So if the game using the DBN sees there is pattern from a player and there is enough evidence that a certain player is using an aim bot with the variables supported, then the game can detect that the player is indeed a cheater (Yeung (2006)). Also data could be inputted into the game to tell the game to compared the accuracy of a player that is highly skilled with the game and have that as a comparison to use on players and if there is a player that is exceed the accuracy every time then they could also be detected. Lag-Switches and there prevention Common cheats normally happen on a gaming level due to the design of the game and cheats that can affect the actual gameplay and not the network latency of players. However cheaters have found a way to affect the latency for players and gain an unfair advantage. Firstly however network latency is the delay that players have when there is a communication of data over a server or network. This happens with any type of online game as the data from the entered commands that the players input is sent to the server of the game and then has the action happen. However cheaters have found ways to cheat over a network. A lag switchis a smallEthernetdevice that is installed to ahome networkand is connected between the gaming device and the homenetwork routerwhich enables the user to insert delays to the flow of traffic which is local to the Internet and is not related to the network switches that are normal. Activing a lag switch makes device run on a set timer and this blocks all traffic between the gaming device and the Internet within that period which causes artificial lag. So when the user has the lag switch in action, to others they look as if they are either frozen in place however the user moves freely and can freely kill the enemy player. Some points of view of a lag switcher are that they moving normally and in fact the opposing team are frozen in place when in their line of site. When the timer stops, the gaming device will re-synchronize with theonline game. However for a user to use lag switch they must be the host of the game on a host based server that most games had or still have and if the user is using a lag switch in a team based mode, then the lag switchers team is normally unaffected by the artificial lag(Bradley(n./a)). Lag Switches can be found on many online games or modes, such as Counter Strike, Call of Duty, MOBA’s (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena’s) and many more. Since network cheating is sometimes much harder to fix than other common cheats, there sometimes more expensive ways to combat network cheats such. Ways that game developers can stop the usage of lag switching is to use a DBN model again to maybe check if the players have common lag spikes however there can be a problem because if the game is are banning all the players with lag strikes, then some players might just have poor internet and get banned for no reason. So one of the best implementations to combat lag switchers and lag based cheats, is to use dedicated servers. Dedicated servers can be used by game companies to allow players to have a fair networking environment as well as the developers having control of the host mechanisms with each server players are playing on. Dedicated servers are essentially servers that are run by the developers of the game and they basically act as a non-playing player as the players connect a server that has a stable connection and enables high bandwidth instead of players connecting to a host that could have terrible internet quality. Dedicated Servers can stop Lag switchers because a lag switch user normally has to be the host of the game for them to cheat and use the full effects of a lag switch. However dedicated servers can be very expensive to implement depending on the size and popularity of the game. More Cheating Preventions While the above talked about cheat preventions for some popular methods of cheating, there is still some other prevention that should always be looked in to. Developers should have built-in cheating detection systems for everything that could be affected by cheaters. This means that they can detect or find unusual activities, and produce alarms (Chen (2005)). Have a Reporting system within the game, so that if a player encounters a cheater, then the player can report them or maybe have a system in place that lets players kick cheaters during gameplay, however there would need to be another system to see if the player accused of cheating is actually cheating. If there is an exploit is reported, then the developers can put patches in the form of updates to fix the exploits. Conclusion Overall there are a many ways when it comes down to the prevention of cheating within online multiplayer. With there being many types of cheats such as Reflex Augmentation, Information Exposure, Compromised Servers and Exploits, there is cheating preventions that can help stop them. For Example to stop one of the biggest cheats in FPS’s, an aimbot can be prevented by using a DBN model incorporated into the game’s system by having the model look at certain variables of players to determine of their actions are legit and are capable of being done by a Human player. Then the developers can decide what to do with players who have been detected of cheating. While another example of cheating however over a network is lags switch that is a piece of equipment that causes artificial lag to games. The user of a lag switch makes the opposing players lag by either having the user seem like they have frozen or by having the opponents freeze in when they are in direct sight of the user. The most affect combatant against this is the usage of dedicated servers as they are the hosts for servers instead of players and lag switchers need to be the host of a game in order for them to take advantage of a lag switch. When you compare the methods of using prevention on network cheating and game cheating, they are both very different because of each having different factors that the developers have to take into consideration, however they both can work to together to overcome the goal of prevention. This because with dedicated servers, since you can have the developers monitor the servers since the developers have full control of the host of each server and this gets rid of lag switches. References Yampolskiy, R.V. Yampolskiy, R.V. 2008, Detecting and Controlling Cheating in Online Poker, IEEE CCP, , pp. 848. Yu, S., Hammerla, N., Yan, J. Andras, P. 2012, A statistical aimbot detection method for online FPS games, IEEE, , pp. 1. Yeung, S.F., Lui, J.C.S., Liu, J. Yan, J. 2006, Detecting cheaters for multiplayer games: theory, design and implementation, , pp. 1178 Bradley, M., N/A, â€Å"What Is A Lag Switch?† Chen, Y., Hwang, J., Song, R., Yee, G. Korba, L. 2005, Online gaming cheating and security issue, , pp. 518.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Best Ideology To Achieve The Common Good Politics Essay
The Best Ideology To Achieve The Common Good Politics Essay Is there a best ideology to achieve the common good? Throughout centuries there have been different ideologies that have been put in place to control people of different nations. History has shown that most ideologies such as Communism, Fascism, and Socialism, have all failed do to the fact that it imposes a strong restriction upon people. This is factual, as history has shown in the downfall of the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany in their treacherous ways of controlling its people. Reform liberalism, Classical liberalism, and Conservatism are ideologies that guarantees people freedom and democracy but there are many criticisms that underlie these philosophies. This essay will analyse all the six ideologies that persisted throughout history and also in todays society, but come to a conclusion on what ideology specifically works best for the conditions society faces in this modern day and age. Communism is a system in which private property has been replaced by collective or communal ownership and in which everyone would be free to take from society what they need (Mintz et al, p.114). Modern day Communism is based on the writings of two German economists, Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels. Karl Marx saw history as the story of human labour and struggle. Friedrich Engel a friend of Marx was a big critic of capitalism. Their partnership and ideas gave birth to what we know as communism. Communism, a branch of socialism, is a social system, characterized by lack of private property. The community as a whole owns the means of production and thus the profit is shared equally with everyone. In theory, labour would be divided up among all citizens according to ability and interest and resources would be distributed according to need. There would also be no ruler, no president, king, or dictator. The assumption is that private ownership of property somehow corrupts humans, making the m greedy, selfish, arrogant and uncooperative. Communism believes that human nature is determined by external social and economic relations, so if the community is fair and equal, people will automatically be more kind, virtuous and unselfish (Sheldon, p.66). Fascism is a political theory that emphasizes a unified powerful state to which all individuals and groups submit (Sheldon, p.102). The original fascist movement was that of Italian leader Benito Mussolini in Italy, organized in March 1921,although its origins lie in the first world war and ,more deeply , in the intellectual reaction against liberalism which began in the latter half of the nineteenth century (Bogdanor,p.227). Unhappy with the liberal emphasis on the individual and with the socialist emphasis on contending social classes, the fascist provided a view of the world in which individuals and classes were to absorbed into an all embracing whole a mighty empire under the control of a single party and a supreme leader (Ball et al.p.173). Nazism is a version of fascism associated with Adolf Hitler, the Nazi leader of Germany, emphasizing racial conflict and the superiority of the Aryan race (Mintz et al, p.117). In most respect Nazism in Germany closely resembled Fascism in It aly. Both had a hatred for liberalism and communism. For Hitler and his followers, the essential fact of human life is that human beings belong to different races. There is no such thing as a universal human nature, in their view, because the differences that distinguish one race from another mark each race for a different role or destiny in the world. The swift destruction of fascist states and philosophy after World War II ended this ideology, except in Spain where it continued into the 1970s. Latin American countries such as Argentina with close ties to Germany and Spain had fascist military government but lacked the influence of European fascist regimes (Sheldon, p.103). Socialism is an economic and social system and ideology that denies the absolute individual right to private property ownership and insists that society as a whole (or its state) should control production and distribution of wealth (Bogadanor, p.487). Socialist theory is often contrasted with capitalism developed in Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries in response to industrialism. Socialist theories and systems varied widely over the extent of private property and trade allowed, the state management of the economy, and the community regulation of individual behaviour advocated and an agricultural commune style of society focused on advanced, mass industrial production, social democracy blends private entrepreneurship with state regulation for the economy and state ownership of key industries (e.g., telecommunications and transportation) (Sheldon, p.280). The main premise of socialism is that people will work harder and be more creative, kind, and happy if all their basic materi al needs are taken care of by society. Reform Liberalism is a version of liberalism that combines support for individual freedom with a belief that government action may be needed to help remove obstacles to individual development (Mintz et al, p.104). But reform liberalism maintains that government is not just necessary evil. On the contrary, properly directed government can be a positive strength for encouraging individual independence by ensuring that everyone enjoys an equal opportunity in life. Reform liberalism argues that government should play a role in assisting the disadvantage through such measures as employment insurance, old age pensions, healthcare, and education. This will create a proper way of freedom for the less fortunate and it will ensure that a minimum standard of living is available to everyone. Reform liberalism also argues that property rights may need to be limited, to some extent in order to advance the rights and freedom of others. An example would a freedom of a factory owner may need to be li mited by the government regulations in order to protect labourers from unsafe working conditions, consumers from harmful products, and the environment from the discharge of pollutants (Mintz et al,p.105). Reform liberalists think authority should be used to support free trade, but also protect the parts of society that are vulnerable. They believe that governments should facilitate redistribution. In all reform liberalism is based on the notion that everyone is equal when it comes to opportunity. Classical Liberalism is a form of liberalism that emphasizes the desirability for limited government and the free marketplace (Mintz et al, p.104). Todays classical liberals agree that individual freedom ranks above material equality, that the states sphere has to be more strictly limited than it is today and that freedom is the guarantor of wealth for the people (WordPress,2010). Classical liberalism, however, is not such a rational body of thought, as it sometimes appears to be, partly because the original liberal tradition was also one of considerable diversity. Although more sceptical of state coercion than the new liberals in general, the old liberals held widely differing views about the states responsibilities. It is a blend of political liberalism and economic liberalism which is derived from Enlightenment thinkers such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Adam Smith, Voltaire, John Stuart Mill, and Immanuel Kant (Sheldon, p.89). Classical liberalists think that political authority should be used carefully to ease free markets, free trade and to protect the individuals right to private property and other economic freedoms. Conservatism is a political viewpoint that sees value in conserving past traditions, especially the timeless truths about human nature and society in the Judaeo-Christian religion (Sheldon, p.71). The leading modern conservative was Edmund Burke, an Englishmen philosopher and a statesman, who believed that the perennial truths of western civilization Ancient Greek and Roman philosophy and law, Western Christianity, classical literature such as that of Shakespeare, high art architecture, and music reflect the best thing in the world and must be taught to young people to produce civilized, decent, and moral human beings and a healthy, orderly society (Sheldon, p.72). Conservatism sees past traditions caring for the future world that we leave our children. Conservatism hates innovation, disrespect, and change for the sake. Conservatives typically oppose government policies designed to move society in the direction of greater equality (for example redistribution of income, wealth, and pr operty from the rich to the poor). In a conservative perspective, people are naturally unequal (Mintz et al, p.107). (Sheldon, 2001). Conservative basic ideas include self-reliance, Personal responsibility; Private property rights limited government powers. Conservatism in the 21st century, as a whole is on the bases of us versus them the right and the left, which is dangerous in the world we live in nowadays because of the threat of terrorist acts being witnessed. Conservatives are known us the right wing in the political spectrum. Today their ideas are more focused on diving rather than uniting. This type of politics is very typical and being witnessed in the United States. There is really no best ideology to achieve the common good. The world is full of problems like poverty and war. So come to come to a conclusion on the perfect ideology is absolutely impossible. Ideologies are based on different beliefs and values, which every human being shares differently. The one ideology that approach within reach in not achieving the common good but just equality for people would have to be reform liberalism. Reform liberalism to me promotes fairness and equality for people of all. It gives each individual a chance at better life but also the government to intervene and help whenever a person is need of assistance. Though were all equivalent but at the same time we have equal opportunities to achieve whatever it is we desire. Reform liberalism to me is the closes way to achieve the common good but also is the best ideology that benefits most and is praise upon by the majority of society. In conclusion ideologies have shaped the world but also history. The rise and fall of the communist and fascist regime proves that human beings are not to be controlled. Instead be in charge of their own destiny. Ideologies such as liberalism and conservatism have work because of the freedom it ensures its people. Limiting the government in our everyday lives and less control is what is desired amongst society. In retrospect the more we learn about failed past ideologies the better it is for humanity to learn from and progress into a better future.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Why Is Religion Important? Essay -- Why Study Religion?
"Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life." -- Buddha "So I say to you, Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you." --Jesus Christ Whether you consider yourself a religious person or not, or whether you think religion has played a positive or negative role in history, it is an incontrovertible fact that from the beginning of time, humans have engaged in activities that we now call religion, such as worship, prayer, and rituals marking important life passages. Moreover, religions have always asked fundamental questions, such as: What is the true meaning of life? What happens to us after death? How do we explain human suffering and injustices? The answers different religious traditions give to these important questions are many and varied and often contradictory. But the questions themselves are ones with which humans throughout time have grappled, and probably will continue to grapple with into the indefinite future. Thus, one of the first reasons to study religion is sim...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Victim Mentality :: Social Issues, Abuse
What does it mean to be a victim? Is there a certain type of victim or is being a victim universal? When I think about a victim, I think about family abuse, rape, incest, tempted murder victims and etc. There are many kinds of victims because a victim is when a person is hurt by another in a malicious way. Victims are not all of a certain race; it can affect anybody regardless of their race, religion, or their social classes. When a person is being victimize, that are they truly think in their mind. What are the aftereffects of the mind and body after such an assault whether they were physically, emotionally or verbal abuse. Every child involved in family abuse has a different thought process as opposed to the child across the street withstanding the same abuse. What makes a child not cry for help when they have to constantly on a daily basis endure such maltreatment? What is going through their minds? A child might not report family abuse because they are afraid that their parent will go to jail (Stark, 1989). In their minds they believe that if either the mother or father leaves, that they will never be loved again. Someone might think that the child would know better to identify what parental love truly is but in their minds, their parents are the only ones in their world that can love and nurture them. Children in family abuse also believe that they are the only ones going through the abuse therefore they feel lonely and that no one can comprehend what they are living through. Children might also not tell an adult about the abuse in their homes because they are embarrassed to admit that there is a problem (Stark, 1989).They are ashamed because they think they are the only ones going through this or they might believe that it normal for a parent to hurt them because a parent knows best (Stark, 1989). The child may think that they deserve the abuse because they probably did something bad. Why would children believe that they deserve such abuse? In our society, it is commonly known that the parents do what is in the best interest of the child. And so a child believes that it okay because a parent knows best. â€Å"Emotional abuse can ruin a child’s self-esteem because he or she may grow to believe that the parent’s insults are true (Stark .
Christy Girl :: essays research papers
â€Å"Christy Girl†     Howard Christy was known for his famous â€Å"Christy Girl†exemplifying proud American values and beliefs believed to be consistent with every American female. He became known for his work on war posters to support enlistment for the armed forces. This poster targets the male half of the population, particularly young (teenage) boys.      Here we have a picture of a â€Å"Christy Girl†dressed in a United States Navy uniform with a sailors hat on her head. She exemplifies grace and charm as she says â€Å"Gee! I wish I were A MAN I’d Join the NAVY!†In this cartoon she is saying that by joining the Navy you will be considered a man. This war poster is aimed at young boys. The government was trying to get anyone they could for the war effort and around this time younger and younger men were enlisting in the armed forces. Because the â€Å"Christy Girl†was so highly looked upon for her strong American values, having her grace the front of a war poster would perhaps encourage people who had not previously thought about enlisting to then do so. A female figure is wearing a traditionally male outfit. At this time Navy sailors were thought of as being men. Having a Christy Girl wear a Navy Uniform was a good way to get the young men’s attentions. Patriotism is not real ly being appealed to in this poster. Surprisingly enough this poster shows no flag or any other symbol conventionally thought of as being â€Å"patriotic.†Most war posters are customarily thought of as being similar to the â€Å"Uncle Sam Wants You!†poster with red, white and blue splashed all over the paper.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
How could the Holocaust have beet prevented Essay
You have probably heard about a period of time, not so long ago, known as ‘The Holocaust.’ A holocaust, according to Webster’s dictionary, is ‘a complete destruction by fire’ (Stadtler, 1). In Europe, during this period, there was a complete destruction by fire – of Jewish homes, Jewish businesses, Jewish neighborhoods, and Jewish people. This destruction was carried out under the direction of Adolf Hitler, during the years 1939-1945, but it actually began earlier, in 1933, when Hitler came to power in Germany. In my opinion, the Holocaust, which was caused by ignorance, could very well have been prevented. There were many powerful nations, such as the United Stated, the USSR, and Britain, whose leaders and militaries could have stepped in and helped the Jewish people who were facing extremely brutal persecution. Throughout most of the war, the American government clung to the delusion that the Nazi’s were persecuting the Jews because of their political or religious beliefs. The U.S. closed its gates to emigration from Europe in 1940-1941, when Jews were still allowed to emigrate. ‘Anti-Semitism in America actually increased during the war and started to decline only at the end of it’ (Bauer, 297). A Soviet attitude toward the murder of the Jews simply did not exist. While fighting a desperate battle for its own survival, Britain saved the Jews of Palestine, North Africa, and much of the British Empire from the fate of European Jewry. ‘The British fought only for themselves, but the defense of their own interests coincided with the defense of civilized humanity, including the Jews’ (Bauer, 296). The May 1939 White Paper on immigration to Palestine stated that immigration to Palestine would end after 75,000 had been admitted between 1939 and 1944. When war broke out, the British decreed that no enemy nationals could enter Palestine, which in effect, closed the doors to those who needing rescue most, specifically the European Jews trying to escape the Nazis. At first, the thought of such destruction in Europe was incomprehensible to other Nations. They heard of what was occurring, but did not believe it, and therefore did nothing. ‘The suffering of hundreds of thousands, soon of millions, was evident for consciences to be aroused, for steps to be taken. Nothing was done’ (Bauer, 297). I feel the ignorance of these Nations was the cause of the loss of 6 million lives. Had these Nations not turned their heads away and ignored what was happening, they could have saved many lives and prevented the Holocaust. By allowing emigration from Europe into their countries, by trying to negotiate with Hitler, or if worse came to worse, assassinating Hitler, things might have been different. By not recognizing the events leading to the Holocaust and of the Holocaust, they also caused the Holocaust along with Adolf Hitler. The Holocaust could only have been prevented by the World Powers, but they failed to do so because they were so ignorant. During the 19th century, European Jewry was being emancipated, and in most European countries, Jews were achieving some equality of status with non-Jews. Nonetheless, at times, Jews were vilified and harassed by anti-Semitic groups. Indeed, some anti-Semites believed that Jewry was an alien ‘race’ not assimilable into a European culture, but they did not formulate any coherent anti-Semitic campaign until Hitler came to power. Germany was defeated in World War I after a four year struggle that left its people exhausted and divided. The harsh peace terms of the Versailles Treaty placed a heavy economic burden on them. Before the war Germany had thought of itself as Europe’s greatest nation. Now it was confused, bitter, and economically crippled, its wealth drained to pay the vast sums demanded by the Versailles Peace Treaty. Rising inflation left many Germans poor and others jobless. Political differences exploded in assassinations and street fighting. The new democratic government of Germany, the Weimar Republic, was unable to prevent disorder and caused people to lose faith in democracy. With Germans of all outlooks desperately seeking solutions for the nation’s problems, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party began their climb to power. ‘Hitler was gifted with effective political talents. He offered an explanation for Germany’s defeat, and a vision of Germany’s future destiny, that played upon the fears, prejudices, and hopes of many Germans. He promised to rebuild Germany’s power and restore its prosperity’ (Isaacman, 16). This won the support of many Germans. Hitler was such an effective speaker that anything he said was believed even if it was not true. Hitler believed that the German people were part of an ‘Aryan race,’ a superior group that should be kept pure to fulfill their mission of ruling the world. He felt that the Jewish people were ‘sub-human,’ when in actuality they were virtually the same as his ‘Aryan race.’ Not only did Hitler have a personal hatred toward the Jewish people, but he also blamed them for ‘stabbing Germany in the back’ after Germany’s defeat in World War I. Hitler used them as scapegoats because they were a minority and were easy to put the blame on. ‘Historians agree that the Holocaust resulted from a confluence of various factors in a complex historical situation. That anti-Semitism festered throughout the centuries in European culture is centrally important; the Jews were (and are) a minority civilization in a majority environment. In periods of crisis, instead of searching for the solution of such crisis within the majority culture, the majority will tend to project blame for the crisis on a minority which is both familiar and weak. As the originators and bearers of an important part of civilization, the Jews are a father civilization against which pent up aggressions are easily unleashed’ (Bauer, 330). Anti-Semitism had always played a role in Nazi propaganda, for Hitler blamed most of Germany’s problems on the Jews. Anti-Jewish laws of every kind were passed. Jews could no longer be judges, lawyers, teachers, government officials, army officers. Jewish doctors could not treat non-Jewish patients, Jews could not employ non-Jews, and Jews and non-Jews could not have social relationships. Jewish property was taken by the government, Jewish businesses were closed down, Jewish children could not attend public schools. All the media were utilized to spread anti-Jewish messages. On the street, Jews were mocked, tormented, and even beaten for no other reason but being Jewish. Jewish people were forced to wear Star of David armbands and were often attacked by storm troopers. On November 9-10, 1938, known as Kristallnacht (‘Night of the Broken Glass’), hundreds of synagogues throughout Germany were burned by Nazi mobs, windows of Jewish shops were smashed, and thousands of Jews were arrested. Kristallnacht was a signal to Jews in Germany and Austria to leave as soon as possible. Several hundred thousand people were able to find refuge in other countries, but a similar number, including many who were old or poor, ‘stayed to face an uncertain fate’ (Stadtler, 12). The countries of Europe and the United States too, only admitted a small number of Jews. Had these countries made an exception for these people who were being treated poorly in their home countries there would have been a smaller amount of lives lost in the years to come. Throughout the 1930’s, conditions for the Jews in Germany worsened. Some people in the United States refused to buy German products in an effort to put pressure on Hitler, but it did not help. This was not enough, the United States was a strong world power and could have done more to aid the Jewish people of Germany. What could a small amount of people not buying German products do? Absolutely nothing because Germany was much stronger than these few people; the aid of an entire nation was needed, not the aid of a few people. Since no one was stopping Hitler, he proceeded to enlarge Germany’s territory. Threatening to use force if he did not get his way, he gained control of Austria in 1938 and of Czechoslovakia in 1939. Later in 1939, when Hitler invaded Poland, World War II broke out. During the early years of the war, Hitler’s armies conquered most of Europe. Millions of Jews were now under German rule, and Hitler felt he was at last in a position to solve the ‘Jewish Question.’ As Hitler saw it, the ‘Jewish Question’ was simply the fact that the Jews existed. Therefore, the ‘final solution’ emerged as a way to destroy them. Throughout Europe, in all the countries under their control- Poland, Western Russia, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Greece, Italy, France, Holland, Denmark, Norway- the Jews were rounded up and confined in concentration camps or ghettos. Stripped of their property, brutalized, terrified, and disoriented, they were forced to work as slave laborers in abominable conditions. Many died of starvation and disease. Others were shot or beaten to death. Before long, rumors of this brutality reached capitals of the world, but nothing was done. As the war against the Jews progressed, however, the Nazi’s turned to large scale centralized killing operations. Jews from all over Europe were loaded into trains and shipped to death camps, among them, Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor. LOCATION OF GERMAN CONCENTRATION CAMPS ‘In the death camps, human life was destroyed quickly and efficiently’ (Isaacman, 19). Under the whips of cruel SS guards, the Jewish victims were herded off the trains and into gas chambers, where they were exterminated by a poisonous gas. Millions of non-Jews were also systematically killed- political opponents, Slavic peoples, and other minorities. In the case of the Jews, the Nazi’s were determined to annihilate an entire people. Some Jews fought back at every possible opportunity. Some Christians, too, tried to help. Taking great personal risks, they hid Jewish friends in their homes or cellars. Many of these people were caught and killed by the Nazi’s. People willing to take such risks were few and far between in Europe. Had other nations of the world been as righteous and as brave as these people, and combined their efforts, this attempted annihilation of the Jewish people could have been prevented. To some Nazi’s the ‘final solution’ was more important than anything else. ‘Though Germany was hemmed in by enemies and fighting for its life, they diverted valuable resources to the extermination machine’ (Isaacman, 20). Trains that could have carried ammunition to the front were used to transport Jews to death camps. Soldiers who could have been defending their country were instead sent to round up and guard Jewish civilians. ‘After several years of war, Hitler knew he could not defeat America and the other Allies, but he was determined to win at least one victory by wiping out the Jews’ (Isaacman, 20). The United States and other world powers were too focused on the war to maintain their pride. While in Germany Hitler was trying to wipe an entire people off the face of the Earth. If these other nations of the world were not so ignorant, the lives of six million people could have been saved. Hitler and his Nazi Party treated the Jewish people so inhumanely. He and his party felt that the Jews were biologically different, when in fact they were and are not. Every human being is equal and should be treated equally. No one is superior to anyone else, even though some may have an egocentric attitude. In 1945, Hitler committed suicide. Rather than correcting his errors, Hitler took the easy way out by committing suicide. The ultraorthodox Jewish theology justifies the Holocaust as an act of God, a punishment for sins committed by the Jewish people against their God. Others feel that the Holocaust was a result of man’s betrayal to God. I feel that the Holocaust is not at all justified. During the Holocaust, six million Jewish people died, that is more than one-third (about 34 percent) of the Jewish population. ‘From the liberated Nazi camps, weeping skeletons of men and women emerged. Among them were 200,000 Jews. These have to be added to the 210,000 that survived in France, about 37,000 in Belgium, 20,000 in the Netherlands, about 1,900,000 in the Polish-Soviet area, 350,000 in Rumania, 130,000 in Hungary, and smaller numbers elsewhere. Including Soviet Jewry, part of whom were never under Nazi rule, about 3 million Jews were left in Europe out of the original 9 million Jews before the war’ (Bauer, 334). As I stated before, there is only one thing and one thing only that caused this horrid event called the Holocaust, ignorance. Not just ignorance of the United States and the other world powers, but the ignorance of Hitler and his Nazi Party as well. Had the U.S. and other nations offered aid to the Jewish refugees, and opened their doors to these refugees, they would have saved many lives. Instead, they were just as guilty as the Nazi’s by helping in the destruction of an entire race. WORKS CITED PAGE Bauer, Yehuda. A History of the Holocaust. New York: Franklin Watts, 1983. Chartock, Roselle, Jack Spencer. The Holocaust Years: Society on Trial. New York: Bantam Books, 1978. Des Pres, Terrence. The Survivor: An Anatomy of Life in the Death Camps. New York: Oxford University Press, 1976. ‘Holocaust.’ Microsoft Encarta (CD ROM). 1993. Stadtler, Bea. The Holocaust: A History of Courage and Resistance. New York: Behrman House, Inc., 1973. Isaacman, Clara. Pathways Through the Holocaust. New York: Ktav Publishing House, Inc., 1988.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Csr Framework
Theoretical Framework: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Definition CSR is a much broader concept than business ethics. Business ethics is the application of ethics and ethical theory to the decision of business. CSR claims that businesses are more than just profit-seeking entities and, therefore, also have any obligation to benefit society. CSR is about business and other organizations going beyond the legal obligation to manage the impact they have on the environment and society. In particular, this could include how organizations interact with their employees, suppliers, customers and the community in which they operate, as well as the extent they attempt to protect the environment. Nature According to Carroll’s four-part model, corporate social responsibility encompasses the economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic expectations [placed on organizations by society at a given point in time. Motivation To be corporate social responsible, businesses must go beyond profit-making to be responsible for a variety of stakeholder groups other than focusing exclusively on investors. It is applicable to both large corporations and SMEs. The firm goes beyond compliance and engages in ‘actions that appear to further some social good, belongs to the interests of the firm and that which is required by law’. Outcome The outcome of CSR includes financial performance, corporate reputation – brand & image, employee commitment, cost saving, customers, government, and competitiveness. Components There are six stakeholder groups considered as the most important influence factors in terms of corporations’ social responsibility. They are shown as followings: Customer responsibility practices It demonstrates customer commitment by providing high quality service that includes complete information, responding to customer complaints, and adapting products and services to enhance customer satisfaction. Employee responsibility practices This element includes equitable employee selection, promotion, and compensation practices, supporting employee educational development, and helping employees attain work-family life balance. Investor responsibility practices It encompasses the factors related to seeking investor input on strategic decisions, responding to investor needs and requests, and providing all investors with a competitive return on their investment. Supplier responsibility practices It focuses on developing long-term collaborative supplier relationships founded on open communication and information sharing, cooperative goal- and decision-making, and offering suppliers price guarantees for the future. Community responsibility practices It demonstrates voluntary commitment to improve the quality of life in their local communities by giving resources to local charities, and sponsoring cultural, sports, and education programs. Environmental responsibilities It integrates environmental sustainability goals and objectives in organizational operations. It is typified by voluntarily exceeding government environmental regulations, implementing environmental management systems. Influence Factors There are two types of Influence Factors in CSR, which are Macro Factors and Micro Factors. Macro Factors are the external elements affecting CSR strategy development of the company whereas Micro Factors are those internal elements having effect on CSR strategy decision making of the company. Macro Factors can be the environmental factors such as Political, Economical, Social and Technological elements. On the other hand, Micro factors can be Firm size, Budget, Top management commitment, Decision maker morality and Company culture.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Characterization in and Then There Were None
Katherine Quimbayo Set 6 September 16, 2010 Characterization in And Than There Were None Agatha Christie uses characterization to show the evil side of human nature, in her mystery novel And Then There Were None, through three important characters, which include Vera Claythorne, Philip Lombard, and Justice Wargrave. Christie shows characterization through Vera by making her a Dynamic character. Vera changes through the course of the work by influence of the life threatening situation that is going on around her.Furthermore, Vera changes from a proper and polite woman, to a woman who will do anything to survive. â€Å"Vera Claythorne, tired by some recent strenuous term at school, thought to herself-‘Being a games mistress in a third-class school isn’t much of a catch†¦ If only I could get a job at some decent school. ’†This quote shows Vera’s hardworking and stringent personality, its shows that Vera is a proper and educated woman (4). â€Å"à ¢â‚¬ ¦ That is was Vera Claythorne. That she shot Lombard, took the revolver back to the house, toppled the marble block onto Blore and then-hanged herself. The following quotation explains Vera’s endurance toward the end of the novel (258). Both of theses quotes symbolize Vera’s dynamic nature changing from a polite woman to someone determined to survive. In Christie’s novel she also shows the evil side of human nature in Philip Lombard.Christie shows characterization in Lombard by making him a round character. In the novel Lombard is depicted as a chivalrous and aplomb character, although toward the end of the book his chivalrousness turns out to be one of his weaknesses and causes him a fatal end. Philip Lombard, that upon a date in February, 1932, you were guilty of the death of twenty-one men, members of an East African tribe. †This quote explains how Lombard is brought to Indian Island therefore showing more insight about his character than any of t he other guests. This quote also symbolizes that although Lombard is a courteous person he is also complex and contradictory in the fact that he is charming but is also capable of murder (43). â€Å"Automatically Vera pressed the trigger†¦.. Lombards leaping body stayed poised in mid-spring, then crashed heavily to the ground. This passage enlightens the fact that Lombards old-fashioned attitude and courtesy toward women, and not believing that women are capable of murder enables Vera to steal Lombards gun and kill him (240).Not only does Christie intertwine characterization in her novel to show the evil side of human nature in Vera and Lombard, but also in Justice Wargrave. Wargraves character in this novel is portrayed as a flat personality. In this novel Christie does not speak much about Wargrave, she only reveals one or two personality traits. In the corner of a first-class smoking carriage, Mr. Justice Wargrave, lately retired from the bench, puffed at a cigar and ran an interested eye through the political news in the Times. †This passage shows only a few characteristics about the identity of Wargrave, it shows that he is a wealthy man being able to ride in a first-class carriage, and it also shows that he is an ex officio (1). â€Å"Only Mr. Justice Wargrave and Miss Brent seemed comparatively unmoved. †This passage also enlightens the fact that Christie made Wargrave is a flat character.In this novel it does not show Wargrave to participate in many group discussion nor does it show his fear in this situation. In applying this characterization to Wargrave it allows the other characters to take no account of Wargrave to be responsible for the murders of the other guests (44). In conclusion, to show the evil side of human nature Christie uses different characterization for each of the characters, some of which include, Vera Claythorne, Philip Lombard, and Justice Wargrave.During the course of the novel all three characters start to s lightly show the evil side of human nature, whether it be for survival, or for revenge. In the case of Vera Claythorne, she shows a dynamic character in changing from a proper, well educated woman to someone who thrives for survival. Philip Lombard is portrayed as a round character, in the fact that Christie makes the reader aware of a variety of Lombards traits, one of which includes Lombards courtesy towards women, which in the end turns out to be a weakness and the cause of death.The last character that shows evil in human nature is Justice Wargrave, who is portrayed as a flat character. Christie only portrays the character to be a wealthy man, which allows this character to be quintessential to the plot and the story line in being the murderer. In epitome, these three characters show that even though people may seem pleasant and courteous, they will do anything to survive.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Book summary of “Montana 1948†Essay
Race, social status and gender are three factors, in which society uses to judge people. Although many people do not agree with this aspect, our society embraces it by categorizing all people under theses three factors. Those who consider themselves to be better then others, attempt to belittle those whom they consider to be weaker. These people are often known, as the Fringe of society. Montana 1948 is an excellent example of this struggle between the weak and the strong. Montana 1948 is a very good example of what it was like to be part of the fringe of society. The author does an extraordinary job at depicting certain struggles of power between the characters in the book. The reason these struggles are so easy to pick up on is because the narrator describes the characters to full detail. This allows for a further enhancement of the book to which you can become more acquainted with the characters. There for you can predict the struggles between characters. One of the main struggles in this story is between the Fringes of society and those who have power. By power I mean those who are able to speak for themselves and defend themselves. Good examples of power, in the society of Montana 1948, are the white men. Those who would be considered a fringe would be the Native Americans, women, and children. It is obvious, in the story, that men had the power. The male characters in the book prove this; such as Wes, his father, and Frank. Each character has a certain overpowering attitude over the other. Wes being the character, which most frequently shows up in all the scenes, is able to take over the scene with his overpowering attitude. This is true because several occasions in the book demonstrate the wife’s reluctant ness to make decisions on her own there for always seeking Wes’s approval; †If my mother said it, it was so, yet my father’s confirmation was still necessary†page 43. This demonstrates the superiority that Wes had over the family, hence putting the wife on the fringe of the household. Frank on the other hand is more of an easy going character, but since he was a doctor and was his fathers favorite, he is given more liability and credit over Wes. â€Å"Frank was witty, charming, at smiling ease with his life and every thing in it. Along side his brother my father soon seemed somewhat prosaic. Oh, stolid, surely, and steady and dependable. But inevitably, inescapably dull. Nothing glittered in my father’s wake the way it did in Uncle Frank’s†, page36. In this case Wes has always had to struggle with Frank over favoritism over their father. This favoritism is apparent when their father gets up in front of a large crowd to address his son Frank as a war hero, †Now I’d like to bring my son up here.†Page 37. The favoritism is also imminent in the way the father addressed the speech, †He simply said â€Å"my son.†And why wouldn’t the county sheriff be called on to make a small speech?†page37. The last character, which is considered to be the most powerful in the book, and a scene-stealer, is Grandpa. Obviously as the head of the family he has power over his sons, but his high social status and wealth also puts him above and beyond most people. This power to which he attains allows him to do most anything he pleases, without having any confrontations from the towns people. â€Å"He didn’t call for silence. That wasn’t his way. He simply stood there; his feet planted wide, his hands on his hips†page37. â€Å"He assumed that once people saw him, they would give him their attention. And they did†page37. This example clearly demonstrates the Grandpas superiority over all the people. These where the main characters, in the story, and they demonstrated what it was like to be above the Fringe. Being part of a fringe, means that you do not have much say around others. Native Americans are a common example of what a fringe is like. They isolate themselves from the town, because white people put down Native Americans due to their race. Native Americans are not the only people part of the Fringe. At times women may be considered that also. For they are not described by the narrator as much as men, hence showing favoritism of men over women by the author. It is true that Native Americans and women are not as socially high as men.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Effective Management and Leadership. Key Functions of Leadership and Essay
Effective Management and Leadership. Key Functions of Leadership and Management, and Their Application - Essay Example Leadership can be described as a calling. For one to practice as an effective leader, they must tap into management skills. It is important to note that leadership and management are two different concepts that must go hand in hand for the successful operation of an organisation (Armstrong, 2012:15). Notably, effective management and leadership are important in guiding a particular team towards the attainment of its goals and objectives. Particularly, any leader requires effective management skills to direct any organisation efficiently. One must therefore adapt excellent managerial principles to be an efficient leader. Various Theories of Leadership and Management and Appreciate the Contemporary Issues Facing Leaders and Managers There are various theories that can be used to describe the issues of leadership and effective management. For one to be an effective leader they must understand how an efficient team works therefore it is important to look at John Adair’s action cen tred leadership framework. This model supports previous on motivation by Maslow (Janet, 2006:45). The model offers a well defined strategy for the effective management and leadership of any group, team or organisation. It is a basic leadership and management framework that can be easily adapted or applied to various business situations. Effective managers and leaders have command of the three areas stipulated by the model. These are task, individual and team. Effective managers and leaders are said to have command of the three areas and can balance them to improve productivity within a team, improve staff morale, develop teams and build and improve quality. According to Adair’s framework, there are three basic responsibilities for management. These include accomplishing a particular task, managing a team or a group and managing people. The framework stipulates the roles and duties of a manager in achieving a given task. Some of the important roles that have been identified in clude defining the activities to be achieved, coming up with a plan on how to attain these tasks, monitoring and evaluating performance of the group and reporting the progress to the relevant authorities. The framework spells out the responsibilities of a manager towards the group (Gray, 2010:34). These are to set up and communicate to the members of the group the culture, ethics and aims and objectives of the group. Finally, it spells out the responsibilities of managers for different team members. Managers should understand their team members in terms of skills, personality, strengths, weaknesses and goal. This model concludes that management and leadership are different. Furthermore, good leaders are not necessarily effective mangers but good leaders will have effective management skills. Secondly, there is the management theory of leadership that is commonly referred to as the transactional theory. This model pays close attention to the role of group performance, supervision and organisation. It is based on a system of rewards for outstanding performance and punishments for substandard performance. From the leadership perspective, the relationship between managers and employees is an exchange. Both parties have something to offer. Rules and regulations are important in leadership (Forssell, 2008:78). Employees are not required to be creative or come up with solutions to problems. This framework is application in entities where there are simple problems. This model is only effective in specific situations and it hinders managers and employees from realising their optimum potential. There is the contingency theory of leadership and management that states that no leadership or management style is suitable for all work environments. According to the model, there are various
Monday, August 12, 2019
Critically evaluate the nation from McGunnigle and Jameson (2000) that Essay
Critically evaluate the nation from McGunnigle and Jameson (2000) that the hospitality industry does not adopt sophisticated Hum - Essay Example They were those who offer excellent comfort whenever someone wishes to temporarily find accommodation in hotels; act anthropologically as tour guides of foreign nationals; manage entertainments for theatres, disco houses and galleries. There lives are an endless management of affairs that constantly change. A number of these hospitality workers have earned a degree; others earned a certificate while the rest are not but take opportunities to maximize their personal skills. Some of them are professionals trained to groom hotels for interior designs and house keeping; cooking nutritious food with delicate garnishes; servicing variety of wines; offering professional skills and geographic knowledge for clients of tourism industry; manage public relations artfully; organize events and celebrations; and other services of similar nature. There working environments are often in excellent or satisfactory facilities. Like how seemingly lucrative the job sounds, they reinvent themselves to what suit best for occasions. The hospitality industry presents an opportunity for supervisory functions who can effectively and efficiently relate with people. There are perks and incentives offered by clients or manager clients in exchange for satisfactory services. There job also provides an opportunity to meet people from varied places and of varying experiences. The industries on the other hand present some threats and weaknesses especially whenever workers are exposed to sexual harassment or degrading experiences at work places. Harris and Reynolds (2004) who studied the motive in the hospitality industry pointed that there are customers who deliberately act or misbehave in abusive manner which cause some level of insecurity that will affect the hospitality providers. It is widely acknowledged that workers are at risk when they are confronted with deviant or dysfunctional customer behaviors. Woods and Kavanaugh (1994), who conducted a study on perception of gender discrimination a nd sexual harassment in hospitality industry with 613 responses, attest that such discrimination happens and are manifested in different manners. Women respondents professed that they are most discriminated in promotion and salaries while male hospitality workers responded that they are more exposed to uncertain possibilities. Woods et. al. (1994) bared that 25% of their respondents of women in hospitality positions experienced sexual harassment at work and that these are pervasive realities in this industry. Moreover, there is evident weakening of market conditions as some establishments within this industry decided to undergo cost-savings in both capital and operational level (Ernst & Young, 2009). Many decided to reduce expenditures, undergo asset management and limited capital improvements (Ernst & Young, 2009). Their situation is at some level unpredictable because they are also governed by developments that may negatively impact the industry, such as issues on insecurity, poli tical upheavals, economic downturns that may result to retrenchments. But such situation is generally true to all profession. What matters foremost is when executives and managers of hospitality industry are able to strategically manage its human resources
Kandinsky on Color Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Kandinsky on Color - Assignment Example The essay "Kandinsky on Color" discovers the art of Wassily Kandinsky. Women wearing flowery and beautiful dresses in well-decorated rooms would make one imagine their happiness. Taking a closer look, one gets to realize that the women in these paintings seem bored and in deep thought. The women do not express any happiness, but sorrow and confusion. The painting reflects a dry season with the colors confirming the viewer's suspicion. Although thought so, the rolls of grass on the left side of the painting would mean that the dust is caused by the machinery harvesting the grass. The road seems brown, and a man walks along it. Trees along the road seem dried. The process of clearing could mean anticipated rains that will lead to sprouting of more grass and leaves on the trees. Dull colors in homes and workplaces lead to slow responses from individuals. Dull colors and appearance psychologically represent sadness while warm colors trigger happy reactions and also express happiness from individuals. Warm colors, when used in advertising and sales, grab the attention and interest of viewers. Additionally, dull colors repel the attention and interest of individuals. Therefore, to ensure a painting wins the attention of a majority of the targeted group of people, more warm colors and expression needs to get used. Therefore, it would be true to conclude that the eye is charmed by color before it ruminates the detail. Kandinsky Wassily became the genius of art after discovering its effects to people in different aspects.
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Different Perspective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Different Perspective - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that diversity means difference. Human diversity sets to explain the differences among people. The trends of diversity in the society have made the topic very imperative. Diversity has made the global market a competitive one. It has also encouraged the vivid change of the population believes. Diversity has enabled people to celebrate their different uniqueness because, in the society, there is reduced effort to fit in. People vary from one another. The subject of how people differ is unclear, and that is the reason why studies that involve individual differences are carried out. Such studies scrutinize variance, the difference between people and their central tendencies. The main aim of diversity awareness is to reveal the similarity and difference of people across varying situations. The researchers that study individual differences use genetic codes to determine the ethnic, social, sexual, and cultural differences. The methods that colle ct information for the studies range. Such methods are field studies, laboratory experiments, Principal Component Analysis, Factor Analysis and procedures of structural or multilevel modeling. The researchers identified that gender/sex and ethnicity are traits that are complex. These traits are useful because they include the social magnitude of diversity consciousness. Sexual orientation is the pattern of sexual attraction to opposite sexes or both.
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Analyze a Business Case Study. Provide an analysis with an application Essay
Analyze a Business Case Study. Provide an analysis with an application of at least two theories relating to Ethics. They also will recommend what action should be taken - Essay Example The ethical issue is accepting the $50 bill and locating and providing a room for Liz Borden, despite eminent knowledge that no rooms were apparently available for the night. For giving a room to Liz Borden, Paige Lewis violated the duty-based ethics or deontological ethics, which was premised on â€Å"the right motive is â€Å"to do the right thing†, â€Å"to do one’s duty†, â€Å"to respect the moral law†(LaFave, 2006, p. 1). Paige Lewis has full knowledge that it is her responsibility to abide by the reservations made by customers, pursuant to the Code of Conduct and the hotel’s policies and procedures regarding reservations. As it was disclosed that the hotel was completely booked that night and there is clearly stipulated policy that states: â€Å"Honor the reservations at all cost†(Lieberman and Nissen, 2008, p. 121). Clearly, Lewis violated company policies and the hotel’s Code of Conduct under responsibilities with clients, which indicates that â€Å"members will not promise any benefit that is not within their control to deliver†(International Association of Hospitality Advisors: Responsibilites wit Clients, n.d., par. 5). Concurrently, Paige Lewis also violated trust of its employer by accepting the $50 bill, considered as a bribe to locate a potential room for Liz Borden. It itself, this is again a violation of the Deontological theory that stipulates that a bribe is morally wrong (Practical Business Likewise, under consequentialist theory, the outcome of Paige Lewis’ action, displacing the young woman of a room that was rightfully hers in the first place could potentially jeopardize her position when complaints would be filed against her and the hotel. holding times (meaning, the time needed to wait for the customers who made the reservations to arrive within the stipulated time frame). If there is a hold order of say, within one hour from the time of arrival indicated, and if any guest did not call to confirm
Friday, August 9, 2019
Advanced Project Management unit 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Advanced Project Management unit 1 - Essay Example According to British Standards, projects are a unique set of coordinated activities, with definite starting and finishing points, undertaken by an individual or organisation to meet specific performance objectives within defined schedule, cost and performance parameters (Maylor, 2010). Project management can be defined as â€Å"leading a team to achieve project success through team spirit and skills development, in a constrained environment, leading to value creation through appropriate use of tools and techniques†. This definition has been based on several requirements and parameters in achieving project success. Team spirit suggests that the success of the project depends upon the people involved in it. The team members must have certain abilities such as soft skills. They must have the ability to work in teams, be full of enthusiasm and possess good communication skills (McConachy & Caine, 2003). This indicates that organizational culture should be supportive of projects without which it can result in project failure. Other significant elements in the success of projects are interpersonal relationship, management commitment and results-orientation. Skill development is an essential part of any project. Project teams comprise of a unique group of individuals who come together to work in a controlled environment towards a common goal (Atkins and Gilbert, 2003). If the members are brought together at the earliest possible stage, they could be flexible and adaptable, thereby enabling timely decisions, with quicker response to market and technology. The members’ strengths, contributions and interests have to be given due recognition. They must also be encouraged to develop further skills. If top performers are included in the project team, performance will meet or exceed expectations (Hacker, 2000). All projects operate in a
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Health care reform Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Health care reform - Essay Example hon $350 billion per year, or 20-25 per cent of American citizens hard earned dollars away from its doctors, its hospitals as well as its patient care into the pockets of their executives, administrative employees, shareholders and politicians.1 U S medical reforms should allow all Americans (including Veterans) as well as the 40 million or so uninsured American citizens into the Medicare Health Insurance Corporation. Since almost all American physicians, Hospitals, and clinics in the Country already accept the current operations of the Medicare Insurance Company, hardly any infrastructure investments on the health care delivery end will be necessary. 2 A much required medical reform in the U S would be to allow Medicare, much like the current Veterans Administration System and every private health insurance company and government health care system around the world, to bid on medications from pharmaceutical corporations for its Medicare drug formulary. Every physician or doctor, not to mention pharmacists recognizes that the U S does not actually require a choice of a dozen needless medicines in each pharmaceutical category. For instance, American citizens require only 2-3 statins for countering the adverse affects of high cholesterol, a few types of antibiotics for common sorts of infections, two kinds of beta-blockers for hypertension / high blood pressure, and several generic types of painkillers.3 The present quality of contemporary medical records software lags at least two decades behind business software used for similar purposes. Thus, the U S government should attempt to fund as well as to challenge America’s best software corporations to finally develop standardized electronic medical records software. Up to date and fully functioning computer software for use in doctors’ offices and hospitals is required in order to increase the efficiency as well as the over all productivity levels of physician charting, billing and prescribing.4 In the
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